AT Photography Studios: Blog en-us (C) AT Photography Studios (AT Photography Studios) Thu, 13 Oct 2022 12:41:00 GMT Thu, 13 Oct 2022 12:41:00 GMT AT Photography Studios: Blog 120 80 Together Til Death.....

This amazing couple may or may not be approaching their one year wedding anniversary,but because I am always horribly behind when it comes to photography blogs, we're just going to pretend that they were married recently, because seriously, their wedding was so much fun that I remember it quite vividly! I spent a handful of hours meeting with them at a local coffee shop and honestly couldn't have felt more at ease in their company; they were down to earth, had a killer sense of humor, but more importantly, showed a love and closeness that is difficult to fake or pretend. Their wedding day was all that and more; from their raw emotion during their first look to their exchange of vows, anyone could clearly see that not only were these two women prepared to spend the rest of their lives as spouses, but they also planned to remain best friends as well, and those marriages last forever. My only regret was not being able to share a celebratory shot with the two of them at the end of the night, but let me assure them both right now, I have raised many a glass to the unconditional love I witnessed on your special day. Here is to a fabulous anniversary in the near future!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 10 Jan 2018 00:55:05 GMT
Patiently Waiting

They say that waiting is the hardest part, and I'm guessing that for most expecting mothers that have surpassed their due dates, waiting becomes downright intolerable. I was fortunate enough to be able to photograph their son's earliest moments, and now I'm getting a tad bit impatient waiting to see when their next family addition(a precious baby girl)will finally make her arrival. Needless to say, she will be evicted shortly, and I can only hope that all goes well in labor and delivery, that hopefully dad survives(mom will be looking for someone to kill shortly), and that their newest member is healthy and happy!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 04 Dec 2017 00:11:32 GMT
Senior Week V

It's quite possible that it may have taken this beautiful lady fifteen or so frames before she finally warmed up to the camera, but when she finally did, oh what spectacular things she did! It's not every day that you get to photograph the daughter of one of your best friends, and I'm certainly not going to mention that I'm old enough to remember the days when she was just a little(bratty) kid. As far as her future is concerned, she will be more than ready for anything the big ol' world has to throw her way!


(AT Photography Studios) Sun, 12 Nov 2017 22:26:04 GMT
Senior Week IV

What do you get when the whole family comes along for your senior session? Basically have a wild and crazy time with lots of laughs and jokes. Any kid surrounded with that much sarcasm, wit, and humor, is bound to fare more than well in the real world!


(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 11 Nov 2017 01:31:56 GMT
Senior Week III

I just looooove it when seniors bring their personal style with them to a session! Be it a favorite pair of sneakers, a cozy band tee shirt, or even their trust hair tie, I'm totally a fan of seeing these young adults dress how they normally would. This gorgeous gal will no doubt march to the beat of her own drum; she's got smarts, personal style, great looks, and a fabulous sense of humor. Happy senior year!


(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 10 Nov 2017 00:49:12 GMT
Senior Week II

It might have taken him a few frames to relax and warm up to the camera, but once he did, the end result was amazing! He even agreed to use a few questionable locations for his shoot, and that always makes me happy. Here's to a great senior year!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 09 Nov 2017 00:29:39 GMT
Senior Week

Hard to believe I met this high school senior looooooong before he entered high school! I'm fortunate enough to be good friends with his mother, and was delighted that we got to hang out and pester her baby boy during his senior photo shoot. He might not be mommy's little boy any more, but he will forever be in her heart! Best of luck in the bright future ahead!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 07 Nov 2017 23:52:13 GMT
Can't Stop the Cake

I've done more than my share of cake smash sessions, and I think I can safely say that no two babes are alike in how they handle their cake. Some(a very small percentage), have no interest in getting their hands dirty at all. Others will pick and poke at it before moving onto other things(often times a nearby parent to share in the messiness), and sometimes, kids decide they're going to own that cake, and that's exactly what this gentleman did! He came, he saw, and he conquered that cake, and it was such a delight to be able to capture those moments for his parents. No doubt he will love cake for the rest of his life, and I can't wait to see what he does when mom and dad introduce ice cream!


(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 29 Sep 2017 00:11:07 GMT
Precious Baby Girl

I have to tell a tiny secret: when a client of mine tells me they're expecting, my heart skips a beat with excitement. New family members are such joyous occasions, maybe a change of pace for everyone, and definitely a lack of sleep for both mommy and daddy. Of course I couldn't wait to meet the newest addition for the sweet family I had the pleasure of working with earlier this year, and she did not disappoint. Big sister did an amazing job getting her sibling photos and I'm sure they will be the best of friends growing up. As for mom and dad, they are always so easy and fun to work with, and I hope that they are maybe getting a tad more sleep these days!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 25 Sep 2017 00:06:54 GMT
First Birthday Fun

This has definitely been an exciting year for cake smash sessions! I have had the joy of seeing soooooo many of my newborn clients return for their one year sessions, and it truly makes me beyond happy! It's always so hard for me to believe that the little one in front of the camera was once the tiny baby sleeping blissfully in their newborn photos, but I do love to see how much they've grown. I know, they all have to grow up eventually, but they definitely need to slow it down!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 13 Sep 2017 23:35:33 GMT
Fun At The Lake

An evening at the lake, updated family photos, AND and upcoming marriage? That's definitely a reason to smile! I had the pleasure of working with this family over the summer and not only captured some family photos, but did some engagement photos as well. I think it goes without saying that this happy couple will be more than ready for their wedding photos, and I'm sure the kiddos will rock them as well.


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 06 Sep 2017 23:44:20 GMT
Sisters Forever

There is something quite unique about the bond that sisters share; it's like having a best friend forever at your side. Sure, all siblings have their issues, from stealing each other's toys to borrowing clothing and not returning it, but at the end of the day, your sister is still forever in your heart. These two gals will have many years together, many amazing memories, perhaps a spat or two, but rest assured, they will be forever friends!


(AT Photography Studios) Sun, 03 Sep 2017 18:34:29 GMT
One With Style

I was fortunate enough to see this little lady at 3/6/12 months, and my how she has grown into such a beautiful little gal! I think it helps having parents with such good looks and good style sense, but I'm pretty sure she would be more than happy to march to the beat of her own drum. She definitely let us know that she had absolutely no intention of smashing her cake, and refused to get her fingers dirty in the slightest. But no worries, we got some great smiles that day, and I've no doubt that she was more than happy to eat some cake as long as she didn't have to get her hands dirty! Happy first year!


(AT Photography Studios) Sun, 20 Aug 2017 20:33:28 GMT
Wedding Bells

 I first met this family almost three years ago when I photographed an outdoor session for them. Fast forward to now, and these beautiful people are getting married AND preparing for baby #2! I can't tell you how happy I am when I'm able to be a part of a family's special journey and capture some of their most memorable moments in time. Their wedding day was an amazing event, surrounded by friends and family all bestowing their best wishes on the family. I wish them all the love and happiness in the world, and cannot wait to see what wonderful things they do next! (For the record, I also had the honor of photographing their little one when she arrived, and she is beyond beautiful!!)


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 10 Aug 2017 23:58:23 GMT
Say Cheese

Confession time: I often get so busy between my full-time job and my part-time photography job that sometimes doing session blogs comes at a much later date, or in this case, about ten months later!  Upon hearing that this handsome gentleman would soon be one, I realized I just *had* to get his newborn session blog done, because he is just too cute! What made his session even more enjoyable was that mum is a good friend, and I couldn't be happier for her to have the opportunity to be mom to such a sweet boy. No doubt, this lad will be surrounded with unconditional love and open arms his entire life, and I can't wait to watch him grow!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 08 Aug 2017 23:47:44 GMT
Stars, Strips, and Engagments

Maybe it's because I grew up in the military, but I seem to have a soft spot for all of my military clients, and this couple is no different! Serving in the military is one of the biggest sacrifices anyone can make for their country, and having a spouse in the military can require much more strength than others imagine. These lovely people more than rocked their family/engagement session, and I can definitely see much love and success in their future!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 08 Aug 2017 00:12:50 GMT
Beautiful Baby Girl

Not only did I positively fall in love with this precious baby girl(as well as her older siblings), but I couldn't have been happier with all of mom's outfit and color picks for the session! This adorable family came from out-of-state to visit family, and stopped for a newborn session before heading back home. Needless to say, I am in love with all of their images, and know they are raising their beautiful children in a home full of laughter, love, and kindness. Have a wonderful first year, sleepy baby girl!


(AT Photography Studios) Sun, 06 Aug 2017 21:38:35 GMT
Third Birthday

Not one, not two, but three wonderful birthdays I got to celebrate with this little lady! To say she owns the camera is an understatement, she positively cannot get any cuter. But I have a feeling that she will prove me wrong every year that passes, such a sweet and joyful little girl!


(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 04 Aug 2017 00:10:32 GMT
Year One

I always do a double take whenever I get a message from a previous newborn client looking to schedule one year photos, because honestly, how does a year go by so fast! I remember this sweet girl at her newborn session, with a full head of silky dark hair, and sleeping blissfully like no other. Of course, she could only get more beautiful with time, and to see how much she's grown gives me such joy. Happy first year, baby girl!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 02 Aug 2017 23:36:52 GMT
Woodland Baby

From time to time, I'm given the opportunity to plan the props and outfits for an entire newborn session, which is exactly what I did for this handsome gentleman(with mom's likes and preferences in mind). Of course, I never expected him to be nearly as cooperative as he was! I've no doubt I will be seeing this little prince again, and I can only hope he will be awake and full of smiles!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 20 Jul 2017 23:34:13 GMT
Coming Soon....

This little pup is going to be a big sister soon, and I have a feeling that mom and dad have chosen the perfect sibling for their littlest arrival! It's not very often that I get to work with dogs, although I welcome it any chance I get. I find that if I have plenty of treats in my pocket, they can be just as easy to work with as kids, and definitely are more excited to see me. Adding a baby to a home that already has pets can be quite an adjustment for any parent, but most find that their human and canine/feline babies find a way to create a home that is happy and full of love. Best of luck to this family of soon-to-be-four!


(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 17 Jun 2017 00:49:39 GMT
Birthday Girl

She came to the studio, she stole my heart, and then she ate cake! The precious little beauty was definitely more interested in playing with the cake than she was eating it, but I'm a fan of whatever a child chooses to do with their birthday cake. And even though she didn't share, she is more than welcome to return anytime! Happy one year, little diva, and here's to a spectacular second year!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 26 Apr 2017 20:47:13 GMT
Winter Maternity Session

Normally, if a client wants an outdoor session in February, I expect winter coats, gloves, and cute hats to be a part of the photos, but this winter had other plans! The temperatures were so mild this winter, and the weather couldn't have been better for the maternity session by the lake. And what's a maternity session without older siblings involved? This sweet and beautiful girl is always fun to photograph, and I just know that she's going to make a great big sister! Needless to say, I already had the honor of meeting the little one hiding in mum's belly, but I will make everyone wait for that session blog to reveal how positively gorgeous he is! Congrats to this beautiful family!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 19 Apr 2017 23:18:05 GMT
Murder that Cake!

Cake smash sessions. There's really no other session like them. When little ones hit that big O-N-E, it's definitely time to celebrate, and what better way than with cake! There's really no telling what a child will do for their cake session, each one is so different in how they react, and honestly, each one is just too cute. This gorgeous gal was a tad shy the first part of her session, but when that cake came out, she was all about it! Needless to say, she wasn't afraid of getting messy, and thoroughly enjoyed every moment, and I was happy to capture every step along the way!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 30 Mar 2017 23:45:59 GMT
Handsome Baby Boy

I know that many people view photos of newborns and must think how all babies must be blissfully the same,but as any mother of more than one child can tell you, this is far from the truth! I have yet to meet two newborns that were similar in terms of behavior and/or quirks. This handsome gentleman did, however, sleep very well for his session, and I'm pretty sure he has the cutest big brother around! His parents were also insanely charming, not to mention helpful and patient. I love writing blogs and looking back over the photos from the session, as it makes me relive all the moments and smiles! This babe is quickly approaching his first birthday late this summer, and I can only hope that his first year was full of love and laughs!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 30 Mar 2017 00:06:19 GMT
Early Graduation

I'm quite used to senior sessions over the summer, some in the fall, but this particular gal happened to have her session about a week before Thanksgiving, and let me assure you, while it was sunny that day, it was also quite chilly, but she handled it like a champ! I was thrilled when mom and daughter wanted to do the session downtown, with urban backgrounds; what a better way to showcase such beauty than with a little urban decay? (Not like she needs any help looking more beautiful!) This amazing young woman finished up her senior year early and is on her way to serve in the Air Force--I can't imagine how proud her parents must be. Best of luck to this senior, as I'm sure she will hit whatever mark she sets.


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 08 Mar 2017 23:26:07 GMT
One Times Two

Yes, I know that they grow up, and yes I know that it's an exciting first year, but does it have to happen so fast?! These two beauties were my very first set of twins in the studio, all before they were two weeks old. I was very lucky to see them throughout their first year, and let me just say, twins make you WORK. (And that's just from a photographer's point of view, I cannot imagine how much work parents of multiples do.) But at the end of the day, all of the work is worth every minute, as I'm sure most moms and dads will agree. It's been a fabulous year, girls, but let's try and put the brakes on all that growing so fast stuff!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 08 Mar 2017 00:30:11 GMT
Precious Baby Girl

I'm always super happy when I get the chance to meet the little one that I photographed for a maternity session, and this sleeping beauty was one of those that I met while she was still within mum. And what a sweet darling she was! We were able to capture some very sleepy moments with quite a bit of cooperation. Her beautiful older sisters were a delight to work with, and mom and dad couldn't have been more patient. A few months have passed since her family welcomed her home, and I'm quite positive their house is full of love and memories in the making!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 01 Mar 2017 00:01:12 GMT
Arriving Soon....

When this gentleman contacted me about a maternity session, we settled on a date about a week later. Little did I know that his beautiful wife was 37 weeks at the time of their session, and positively radiant! Maternity sessions save memories from a very special and intimate time, when a family is patiently awaiting the arrival of a loved one they have yet to meet. I can officially say that I have indeed met the little one that came about two weeks after this session, and he was well worth the wait!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 21 Feb 2017 00:29:23 GMT
Pretty in Turquoise

Not all newborns make it into the studio within the first two weeks, and you know what? There's absolutely nothing wrong with that! There are plenty of situations where getting photos done within those first two weeks just aren't feasible, and whenever possible, I try to capture 'older' newborns as well. This beautiful gal came to the studio a few days shy of a month old, and she totally rocked her session. I have the opportunity to see how much she's grown in a few days, and I can't wait to see how big she's gotten!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 09 Feb 2017 23:52:26 GMT
Senior Year at Last

Many, many moons ago,I remember when this little lady came into the world and was just a tiny newborn in her mom's arms. Fast forward a few years, and here she is again, all grown up and entering her senior year of high school! And my, what a beautiful and intelligent young woman she has become. When I first chatted with her mom about her session, she mentioned that she preferred to wait until fall, when it was cooler. Of course, the day of her session just happened to be an insane 80 degrees, but she maintained composure like a champ(while I was sweating profusely) and finished the session with a smile just as gorgeous as her first. Your future is looking mighty bright, so keep working hard and finish this school year on top!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 02 Feb 2017 00:33:26 GMT
King of Sleep

There are times when certain newborns feel the need to *excel* at their newborn session, and make my job easy beyond belief. This handsome gentleman did just that; relaxed into such a deep sleep and let me gently position him. Now don't get me wrong, I love every baby that I'm given the privilege to photograph, but when they cooperate so beautifully, I can't help but feel a bit more accomplished. Special thanks to mom and dad for being so patient, and to big brothers for adding extra charm and handsomeness to the session!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 31 Jan 2017 00:55:38 GMT
Wedded Bliss


I know it *looks* like a long time ago, but September really wasn't that long ago, although current temperatures might have us believing otherwise. And on this particular day, the weather was simply gorgeous for all of the wedding festivities that ensued. These two beautiful people made it positively EASY to photograph them; their love and joy was captured in every photo! After an intimate ceremony at a historic church, the couple welcomed family, loved ones, and friends to their reception, and man do they know how to party. From the deliciously catered buffet style meal, to the open bar(that tempted me more than once--I may or may not have sampled the rum special), to the hours of dancing and fun late into the evening. Celebration was definitely the word! And rightly so, these two young people have a life full of togetherness ahead of them. Best of luck in the future!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 25 Jan 2017 00:17:08 GMT
One Year Olds Have all the Fun

The first rule of cake there are no rules to cake smashing! I love watching little ones have their way with their own personal cake on their birthday session, each child puts their own spin on how it's done. Some kids eat daintily from their fingertips, others eat right from the cake stand, and some like stomping their feet into the cake a little. But however they do it, I can promise you that it is an extraordinary sight to see, full of laughs and smiles, and most important, watching a child celebrate their first full year of life. Happy one year to this little princess, I hope the next year is just as amazing as the first!


(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 20 Jan 2017 00:09:16 GMT
Eight Months Young!

Thank goodness for twins that aren't identical, although that never stops me from getting their names mixed up during the session. Aaaah, I had the opportunity to see these gals for their newborn session, and still cannot believe how quickly(and beautifully) they are growing. Each one has their own studio personality; one loves the camera and the other prefers to play quietly behind the photography strobes. They will soon be turning one, and I can't wait to see what they have planned for their cakes!



(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 17 Jan 2017 00:09:14 GMT
First Birthday!

When you turn a whole year old, it's pretty much a big deal in my book. Especially if my book just so happens to contain memories of this little lass as a newborn! I was so very lucky to see this beautiful princess many times in her first year, and each time she made me fall more in love with her! Her mother has perhaps the most amazing fashion and accessory style, and I was in awe with every new outfit she arrived with. No doubt she will continue to grow throughout the next year, and continue to brighten cloudy corners of the sky with that fabulous smile!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 12 Jan 2017 01:06:02 GMT
Countdown to Summer

It doesn't seem so long ago that this young man was just a kid playing games outside, and yet now he's all grown up and ready to wrap up his last year of high school so he can begin life after HS. I'm not sure what his exact plans are, but I'm guessing that one of the many sports he dominates is certainly going to play a factor in college choices. Because his mother is a dear friend of mine, I do hope that I'll be able to hear about his accomplishments and dreams after graduation. Here's to the final semester!


(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 06 Jan 2017 00:52:40 GMT
Early Delivery

I got the email saying mom was due in 8 weeks, and that soon-to-be grandma wanted to set up a newborn session for when their little guy arrived. Imagine my surprise when I got a message two weeks later saying that baby boy was a tad impatient making his arrival, and had come early. And he was such a tiny little bundle of happiness, very sleepy, and too adorable in all of his outfits and poses. I could see that his parents were already very much in love, and for obvious reasons. This baby boy has quite a bit of growing to do, but methinks he'll catch up rather quickly, and soon have all of his loved ones wondering where that tiny little baby got to.


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 05 Jan 2017 00:49:16 GMT
Baby on Board

Thanks to a very mild fall, I was able to meet this expecting couple for a beautiful outdoor fall maternity session. I put poor momma through plenty of location and pose changes, and she was such a trooper for the entire session. I'd imagine mom and dad both have their hearts set on meeting their little one in the months ahead, and cannot wait to spoil him! (~side note--I got to meet baby Easton yesterday, and he was worth the wait!~)


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 05 Jan 2017 00:42:03 GMT
Waiting Patiently....

While I am sure that every pregnancy is different according to the individual, I'd imagine that it must feel like the longest wait ever for both parents, as they patiently await the arrival of their little one. The excitement, the preparation, and more importantly, the open arms that are ready for little one's debut appearance into the world. This couple was beyond easy to work with; great looks, awesome personality, and a sense of humor that will surely be helpful in the delivery room. I know the time is getting near, and I wish them the best of luck for a safe and healthy delivery, and plenty of snuggles with their new baby.


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 03 Jan 2017 00:40:28 GMT
Double Trouble

I've been photographing these two cuties since they were 2 weeks old, and even though they tend to give me a run for my money(and gosh, poor mom is exhausted at the end of every session!), I simply adore them both! While mom has no problem whatsoever telling them apart(they're identical twins), I have to resort to things like longer hair and current boo-boos(a common sight when toddlers begin standing) to tell the difference, and I still screw it up. Mom is oh-so-patient(because I continually call her daughters by the wrong names) and insanely helpful(I seriously couldn't do the session without all of her chasing), so many thanks to mom! I can't wait to see these girls grow, they are more beautiful every time I see them! (spoiler alert--they've already had their one year cake smash session, and it's positively adorable!)



(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 29 Dec 2016 00:47:25 GMT
It's a Party!

Not only was it a party, but the colors were pink and gold with accents of princess, and that's a surefire recipe for a good time! I got to meet this adorable lady in honor of her first birthday photos, and mom and dad made sure she had plenty of cute accessories for her session. She smiled like a champion for her one year photos, and smashed that cake like a boss for the cake photos. She totally owned her one year session, and I am sure that she will rock her next year of life!


(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 16 Dec 2016 00:38:19 GMT
Outdoor Family Fun

I cannot get enough of the fun fall colors that families wear to their autumn sessions; when paired with nature's changing colors, the result is spectacular! Of course, there's also no denying the little extra fun that's to be had with crisp leaves that have fallen, always sure to get a smile from a little one. This happy family is expecting the arrival of another little one next year, and it looks like soon-to-be-big-brother is more than ready to take on the role of older sibling. Happy times are ahead for this family, best wishes for the future!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 29 Nov 2016 00:47:00 GMT
Baby Girl on the Way

This was such a sweet maternity session; I was totally in love with the outfits, the lighting was more than cooperative, and soon to be big brother was too adorable! This happy family will be welcoming in a baby girl(today actually!) and I cannot wait to meet her! Congratulations to the loving family and their newest member!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 24 Nov 2016 02:24:01 GMT
Party of Three

I'm always amazed at how much a baby can change in just three short months, and this little gal was no exception. She was every bit as cute, and now sitting up mostly on her own. I'm almost positive that mom couldn't have picked a more adorable hat for her to wear, but I really shouldn't be surprised, because mom always impresses me with her outfit coordinating! I hope this family bundles up for the winter, and has plenty of fun in the snow to come!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 22 Nov 2016 00:38:34 GMT
Magical Number Three

Time can be such a funny thing. Funny in that is passes by so quickly that often I'm left wondering how it went by so fast. Take this young man, for instance, who I had the honor of meeting when he was just two weeks old. He was my first ever newborn client, and opened to door to my quest to learn more about newborn photography. And here he is, three years later, as cute as a button, and now remembering my name when I get the chance to see him. Ah, how I do love to watch them grow. I am positive this guy will forever have a special place in my heart!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 17 Nov 2016 00:41:56 GMT
Fall Fun

Autumn, cornfields, and plaid, oh my! I LOVE this color combination, and hey, an adorable little girl and her parents just add all the more love! I've had the joy of working with the little lady before, and finally got the chance to photograph mom and did in the mix, they're a little more than super cute, and a lot of fun to work with. Already this baby girl has grown since the last time I saw her, I am positive that she needs to slow down all the growing and let mom and dad enjoy the carefree toddler days just a bit longer!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 15 Nov 2016 23:42:59 GMT
Wedded Bliss

I had the honor of capturing this couple's wedding day this summer, and I can't even describe the happiness I felt for them! I met their family at a holiday session two years ago with their daughter, got to photograph their maternity session followed by newborn session, and got to watch their children grow. And on this special day, I got to see them vow to spend their lives together, raising their family, and sharing nothing but love! I am positive that these two will be forever sweethearts, and spend the rest of their days living, loving, and laughing as they grow as a family. Here's to an eternity of happiness to them and their beautiful family!


(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 12 Nov 2016 02:21:04 GMT
October Family Fun

I know it might seem odd to some, but when I work with families numerous times throughout the years, they kind of stop being clients and are more like good friends, which is exactly how this family is when I get the chance to work with them. I often forget I should be taking photos simply because I get distracted just catching up with them, talking and laughing. I also love seeing how much the children have grown, watching their personalities develop, and watching them do all the new things they've learned. Yes, I do consider it the highest honor when a family chooses me for their photos time and time again, and I am definitely happy that this family chose me.


(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 11 Nov 2016 00:44:59 GMT
Sleepy Baby Boy

What do you get when a gorgeous set of parents brings their handsome son for a newborn session? Some pretty amazing photos! This baby boy slept so soundly and was more than cooperative for his session, and mom and dad helped create some stunning family photos. I have no clue how mom managed to look so flawless less than two weeks after giving birth(and being severely sleep deprived), but she did, and even made sure dad looked his best as well. This happy little family has a very exciting year ahead of them, and I wish them joy and love as they watch their adorable son grow!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 20 Oct 2016 23:51:54 GMT
Wedding Bells

Somehow or another, the daughter of a very close friend just happened to grow up into a gorgeous young lady and decide to get married(I'm not sure how that happened so fast, I swear she was just starting kindergarten last time I saw her). Needless to say, I was thrilled that I was able to take part in their special day! Even though June decided to be particularly brutal that day(in the nineties), everyone maintained their smiles and poses long enough to get some formal shots before heading to the reception to celebrate the newlyweds. Good food, great friends, and loving family surrounded this couple as they gathered to share the love of two people joining their lives together. (I feel that now's as good a time as any to confess that I might have eaten large amounts of wedding cake--peanut butter icing---need I say more?) I hope these two celebrate many anniversaries in the future, with lots of love!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 18 Oct 2016 00:30:56 GMT
Senior Days

I got to work with this young lady twice, and I'm pretty sure I've come to the conclusion that she just can't get any more gorgeous! She had an amazing location picked out(on private property) and I *loved* every bit of her senior session. Beautiful smile, easygoing personality, and very fun-loving, she rocked every single shot we did. And with her senior year of high school ahead, I don't believe anything can truly stop this girl once she sets her mind on what she wants. So here's to a memorable senior year and a fulfilling future!


(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 15 Oct 2016 01:09:52 GMT
Cake and Smiles

Who doesn't love cake? And at the same time, who doesn't love adorable little boys with smiles from here to the moon and back? Ah, this little man had me grinning from ear to ear his entire session, so happy and full of smiles! And when we got down to the cake, he smiled even more. Such a cutie, I would bake him a cake anytime he asked! Happiest of birthdays, handsome fella!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 12 Oct 2016 00:13:34 GMT
Little Baby Boy

I got to chat with this mom before her due date, which means I waited excitedly to get the message that she had given birth. And what a handsome prince he is! He spent most of the session passed out in a blissful sleep, which meant plenty of posing and cute outfits. Mom and dad were beyond patient during the session(you only need about a ton of patience to sit through a newborn session, and they had it!), and they along with their beautiful son were amazing to work with. Of course, this cutie pie is growing super fast and gets more handsome each and every day. No doubt mom and dad are spoiling him to pieces, and that's exactly how it should be!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 11 Oct 2016 00:33:22 GMT
Baby On The Way

Pregnancy can be such a beautiful and emotional time, with plenty of excitement while waiting for a little one to arrive. I had the honor of shooting this family's maternity session, as they readied to welcome their newest family member, and since they decided not to learn the gender, this baby will certainly be a surprise. I'm sure big and middle sis are fully prepared to spoil their sibling with hugs and kisses, and mom and dad are already full of love and affection for their soon-to-be son/daughter. (Spoiler alert--mom delivered a happy and healthy baby girl!)


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 06 Oct 2016 22:54:28 GMT
Preschool Days!

When this precious gal's mom contacted me about doing a back to school session, how could I possibly resist?! I had the honor of doing her one year cake smash, her two year photos, and now her going-to-preschool photos. Yes, she has always been this beautiful and yes, she has always had a radiant smile, and yes, I love watching her grow up! I am sure she's a delight to everyone in her class and is definitely making mom and dad super proud with all of her advancements this school year!



(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 26 Sep 2016 22:45:43 GMT
Happy Birthday to Her!

The sweet smiles this little lady offered during her cake smash session were even better than the buttercream icing on the cake! Hard to believe I've had the joy of working with her for an entire year now; from newborn to four months, eight months and one year. And she has done nothing but grow more beautiful and intelligent each time I see her! I think she might have had more fun playing in the cake than she actually did eating it, but what fun she had. I am certain the next year has plenty of good things in store for this baby girl!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 14 Sep 2016 00:17:31 GMT
A Family Session

I'd say that any time is a good time for photographs, especially when you've added a new family member and want to update your albums. This beautiful family arrived looking well dressed and ready for some photos, and their precious daughter couldn't have been more adorable! She got sleepy quickly, though, and soon decided she'd had enough photos, but not before we managed to get some great shots. I'm sure great things await this happy family!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 13 Sep 2016 00:05:23 GMT
Pretty in Pink

Ah, pink and gold; is there any better combination for a little girl that's turning one? I think it's the perfect colors, especially for this perfect little princess!  A whole year of growing has passed by so quickly, and she's got so much more coming ahead! This stunning gal had a particular fondness for sneezing, and mom and dad were pretty busy with the sneezes to ensure we got some of her precious smiles. She didn't share much of her cake, but she definitely had a great time smashing it and celebrating her first birthday. Here's to another awesome year ahead!


(AT Photography Studios) Sun, 11 Sep 2016 15:08:58 GMT
A Beautiful Summer Session

The weather decided to hold off long enough for this beautiful family to get their session photographed, and I couldn't have been happier that it did! Such a happy and delightful family, with many smiles and plenty of playing. Big sister and baby brother were oh-so-cute together, making for some very adorable photos. Mom did such an amazing job coordinating everyone's outfits, and dad made sure to bring the family's favorite book for some memorable photos. There is much love in this family, and I hope that it only increases as each of them grow!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 07 Sep 2016 23:26:45 GMT
Kill That Cake!

Aaaaaaand yet another newborn client that completely ignored my pleas to not grow up so quickly! Not only did he totally rock his newborn session 12 short months ago, but if there was an award for cake smash sessions, he would definitely win one. I think annihilate would be a more accurate description, but whatever you call it, he couldn't have been more adorable doing it. He didn't leave much cake left to share with me and his mum, and that's perfectly fine with me, because I definitely enjoyed watching him revel in his first birthday cake victory! Happy first year to this little man, and best wishes for the next year ahead!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 31 Aug 2016 23:20:53 GMT
Terrific Twos!

I cannot even express how lucky I am when I get to see my little clients grow and document their many different life stages with photographs. I remember meeting this little diva almost three years ago during a Christmas session; not even 6 months old and already gorgeous as ever. I've had the joy of working with her family numerous times over the past few years, including welcoming a baby brother last Christmas. I positively love seeing them any chance I get, and it goes without saying that I never have to get this gal to pose; she brings the sass and smiles to every session!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 30 Aug 2016 23:23:41 GMT
I Do...Again!

The thing about weddings is that they go by so fast....weeks and months of planning, and then the day arrives and it's gone in the blink of an eye. So imagine my delight when this fun couple contacted me to do some wedding photos long after their actual wedding. This group arrived *impeccable*! Ladies flawlessly dressed, hair and makeup perfect, gorgeous flowers in hand. The gents were sharp dressed in black and had plenty of sense of humor to keep everyone laughing the whole session(I do believe the word of the day was 'poop'). But not only was there laughter and smiles, there was no denying the love and friendship among them, and I was glad to be able to create some amazing new memories for them to look back on in the years to come. So here's to reliving the moment, again and again!



(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 29 Aug 2016 23:29:23 GMT
New Baby Girl

Not all newborn sessions are done between 5-14 days old. Sometimes there are situations that prevent parents from making it to the studio within that tiny time frame, especially when their little ones arrive prematurely and require a little extra hospital time. This little diva surprised her family quite early, and was almost six weeks old at the time of her session, but still managed to totally rock all of her photos. Big sis was very protective of her new sibling, but was oh so cooperative for all of her photos as well. No doubt she is making her family fall more in love every single day.


(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 27 Aug 2016 19:09:30 GMT
A Very Happy Birthday

Not that it's even a comparison, but as a photographer, I have a teensy weensy similar reaction to how quickly these little ones go through their first year. I remember this handsome guy in the studio for his newborn session; oh so adorable and slept like a champ! I got to see him throughout his first year(along with gorgeous older sis!), and before I knew it, he was in the studio for his one year session. Cuter than ever and full of smiles! Mom went above and beyond to make sure his session was all that she envisioned(and worked extra hard on all of the props!) and dad got his fair share of icing all over him that day as well. I'm definitely so very happy to have met this beautiful family and can't wait to see their smiling faces again!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 25 Aug 2016 00:26:45 GMT
Little Princess

I may have been saving this blog for too long(she was born in May), but when my step-daughter and her husband decided to have their last child, I wanted to savor every moment, and it took me quite some time to pick my favorites. And for being my granddaughter, she certainly made me work my tail off and then some. I positively *love* newborn nests, and convinced mom to let me attempt a first try with her little one(mom agreed, little one lasted about ten minutes in the nest before she decided she wanted held). Needless to say, we got some amazing shots, especially with big brother and sister(who are still completely in love with baby sis 3 months later). No doubt I'll be seeing this little princess quite often(with and without my camera) as well as her doting family!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 22 Aug 2016 23:27:43 GMT
Sleepy Baby Boy

Many of my newborn clients contact me while they are still pregnant(which helps me plan outfits and reserve session dates), so when I hear that I finally get to meet a newborn that I've been emailing mom about for the past few months, it's a very exciting day for me! This handsome man came for his photos at 15 days old, and brought along his equally handsome older brother. Mom and dad were amazing as always(they're my spotters for when I need an extra pair of hands on baby) and super easy to work with. Not only was this baby a deep sleeper, but he also offered a few sleepy smiles, which I positively love capturing! I've absolutely no doubt that this family is adjusting quite well to their new addition, and filling his heart and soul with unconditional love. Happy family times ahead!


(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 20 Aug 2016 02:11:07 GMT
Happily Ever After

It's not every day that you meet a client that you can be totally relaxed around, but these two did just that; made me feel at home! I met them on a bitter January evening, about a week after a blizzard, and we discussed their wedding plans while eating tater tots in a warm and cozy diner. I knew their day would be amazing, and when it finally arrived, they didn't let me down! From pre-ceremony photos(yep, sometimes I catch people in towels and curlers), to their beautiful ceremony(with crazy perfect hand written vows), to the festive after party(not only was there dancing, but they had a candy bar--my favorite!), these two enjoyed every crazy, awesome, beautiful, chaotic moment of their wedding day. I got to meet so many of their loving family members and friends, and I just cannot forget that plate of decadent peanut butter fudge I was 'forced' to take home(it didn't last more than a day in my house!) Yes, I have no doubt this delightful couple will celebrate many happy years to come as they raise their family surrounded by their friends and loved ones. Here's to love!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 17 Aug 2016 23:51:12 GMT
Secret Session

Sometimes, photographers have to be extreme secret keepers about some of their sessions(pregnancy announcement, gender reveal), and in this case, a secret wedding planned! This happy couple wanted some photos to celebrate their upcoming wedding, and they picked some killer locations--from the gorgeous blooming tree on their property, to the railroad tracks downtown. And not only were they super nice, but they were awesome to work with; the session was full of laughs and smiles the entire time. But now that the cat is out of the bag, I figured it was time to share some of their stunning photos from their session. Cheers to the newlyweds!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 15 Aug 2016 23:34:21 GMT
Birthday Princess!

This beautiful diva came well prepared for her one year/cake smash session; outfits and accessories galore, along with some of the most adorable smiles! It didn't take her long to destroy her cake, although I think she had more fun playing with it than actually eating it(and making sure to get some on mom and dad!)I hope her second year is just as wonderful as her first, happy birthday little princess!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 11 Aug 2016 23:36:00 GMT
Oh Happy Day!

If I had to guess, I'd say this little lady is *always* smiling, and what an amazing smile she has! I'm beyond honored when a newborn client contacts me a year later for a one year session--and always so surprised at how much a little one can grow in the course of a short year. This little diva had big sis along for some pictures(who happens to also have a beautiful smile) and made sure each and every shot was one worth saving. A million happy birthdays to this sweet gal, with many more to come!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 26 Jul 2016 23:54:39 GMT
Handsome Baby Boy

Contrary to the belief that newborns are either sleeping or crying, I find quite a few that are very awake, yet very calm. I often wonder what their little eyes are capable of seeing, and what their inquisitive minds are possibly thinking. Although hand/leg posing isn't possible with awake newborns, capturing little ones with their eyes open while they're calm and content is just as beautiful as posed, sleeping babes. This handsome gentleman was polite enough to give me a little of each; sleepy poses as well as calm awake poses. Of course, his older brother was insanely cute, and mom and dad brought some of the cutest newborn outfits. Hopefully he is sleeping more and allowing his parents to get some rest!



(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 19 Jul 2016 00:23:16 GMT
Beauty Multiplied by Two

I'm just going to go ahead and say that working with twins is a lot like attempting to teach cats to herd cattle. It's pretty much nonstop action, and when you have one in place, the other one moves. Or cries. Or spits up. Or basically does the exact opposite of what you as a photographer would like them to do. But. I honestly can't stress how much *fun* it is to watch two womb-mates as they grow into little people, and see their distinct personalities emerge. I had the pleasure of meeting these girls for their newborn session, and they are growing soooo fast! I'm just going to assume that when they are crawling/walking, my job is going to increase to level nine thousand in difficulty, but I wouldn't have it any other way!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 13 Jul 2016 23:47:15 GMT
Girls Girls Girls

Not one, not two, but three beautiful ladies in the studio, and all looking impeccable. Not only were these gals dressed to impress, but they also made sure to get a pedicure the day before, and I was more than happy to capture that for mom! This trio has many happy times ahead of them, filled with lots of love, nailpolish, and plenty of things that make girls happy!


(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 09 Jul 2016 01:29:28 GMT
One Year and Counting

She was just a tiny little thing when I first met her(a few weeks premature and oh so perfect for her newborn session)and a year later, she is still just a small thing, but so full of life and smiles! All during her session she was more than willing to offer up some dazzling smiles, and although she wasn't quite sure about destroying her cake, she daintily ate small pieces until she decided she'd had enough. I'm pretty sure she'll be walking soon, so look out mom and dad, she's ready to take on the world!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 05 Jul 2016 21:47:24 GMT
Pageant Ready!

Different clients have different photography needs, and I'm always thrilled when I get to work with aspiring models, actors, and pageant participants. These kids are always very professional, fun to work with, and excel at taking posing instruction. This beautiful young lady was no exception; plenty of smiles and laughs, very professional, and on her way to competing in some very important upcoming pageants. I have no doubts that she will succeed in anything she puts her mind to, best of luck on her journey to victory!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 29 Jun 2016 21:07:43 GMT
Four Months of Fun

Oh how I do love it when I get to see one of the newborns I photographed come back in four months and see how much they've grown. For parents interested in capturing the first year, I always recommend newborn, 4 months, 8 months, and 1 year. All four are very distinct developmental stages in a baby's first year; newborn--sleeping and lying down, 4 months--lying on belly and holding head up strong, 8 months--sitting fully unassisted(no wobbling), and 1 year--standing and maybe walking. And once they're walking, everyone had better look out, because they're forever on the go! This handsome guy couldn't have been cuter, especially in dad's tie!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 27 Jun 2016 23:20:56 GMT
Handsome Baby Boy

Any day that I can get a wee little baby in the studio is a good day in my book, and this handsome young man was a joy to work with! I know many photos might look like the baby is cold, but let me assure you, it is quite warm in the studio during newborn sessions, and I am usually sweating like no one's business ten minutes into working. Mom and dad were also along, so easy to work with, and gently doting on their new son with adoration. I am sure that he is growing into a strong little man and will soon be impressing his parents and loved ones with feats such as crawling and walking in the next year. Here's to taking the first year slowly!



(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 23 Jun 2016 23:19:36 GMT
Handsome Princes

Boys will be boys, and these two were perfect gentlemen at their newborn session. I'm often times embarrassed to have to keep asking mom which is which, but parents are super understanding, and always quick to point out the small details that help distinguish their duo from one another. I had mom *and* grandma in the studio to lend a helping hand, and I can honestly say that I couldn't safely do a newborn session without the help I get from parents and grandparents. No doubt these two have been breaking hearts since their birth and I can only imagine their cuteness in the months to come!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 08 Jun 2016 23:58:45 GMT
A Princess Birthday

From a parent's point of view, I'd imagine it's INSANE just how fast that first year goes. One minute they're a tiny little baby in your arms, and the next minute they're a whole year old, and mom and dad are still trying to figure out where the past 12 months have gone(because they certainly haven't gotten that much sleep). I had the joy of meeting this little princess for Valentine's photos, and was thrilled to see her again for her cake smash. Mom went above and beyond getting props for the session she envisioned, and little miss diva gave me some pouty faces, a few smiles, and plenty of wide-eyed wonder that mom and dad were letting her play with her food. I see many festive parties in this little lady's future, with mom and dad watching on proudly!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 01 Jun 2016 21:45:15 GMT
Sisterly Love

The thing about twins is that they're much more difficult to photograph when they're awake, as I am quickly learning! These precious beauties decided that they wanted nothing to do with their first four month session, and that is totally okay; if a child isn't in the mood for photos, there isn't much anyone can do to change that. But when the girls returned for a retake, we did manage to get some oh-so-incredible smiles. I can't wait to see these girls again, I love watching them become two very unique personalities, and of course, they get prettier each time I see them!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 10 May 2016 23:14:01 GMT
Cake for One!

The look on her face says it all; this little diva sat there as if to say, 'Mom, you want me to do what with this?' She had a few bites, but was more interested in playing in it, and then sharing it with her sisters(who were more than happy to help!) These girls make my heart warm--I met this wonderful family last year at the birthday girl's newborn session, and then had the opportunity to photograph their family last fall. I know that some might find it trivial that I find so much happiness in working with past clients, but as a photographer, there's no greater joy than being able to form a bond with the people you photograph, and that includes everyone from mom and dad right down to the little ones running around like crazy. I wish many happy birthday celebrations to come for this happy family, and can't thank them enough for letting me glimpse into their lives and snap a few photos while I'm there!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 02 May 2016 23:53:49 GMT
Late to the Party

I've been following the little man since his gender reveal session at the end of last summer, and he decided to make everyone wait just a few weeks past mom's due date to make his debut. Not only did he rock his newborn session, but he has made mom, dad, and big sis very happy. Somethings are definitely worth the wait, and in the case of this handsome little man, he was worth it and then some. Looking forward to seeing how much he grows in the next year!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 28 Apr 2016 23:32:19 GMT
Birthday Girl!

To eat cake, or not to eat cake; that was the question at hand during this beautiful baby girl's cake smash session. I'm still very awed/smitten/joyful when I get the opportunity to photograph a child that I first met at a newborn session, to see how much they've grown is just amazing! This little miss has definitely grown way too fast, and I do hope that she slows it down a little bit so that mom and dad can enjoy these precious years. Happy birthday, baby girl, and here's to many more to come!



(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 26 Apr 2016 00:13:31 GMT
Beautiful Twin Girls

Would I say that I've been very lucky to have been able to photograph four sets of twins in less than four months? Absolutely, and I can't thank these loving families enough for trusting me with such precious little ones. These two baby girls are identical twins, which means I won't be able to tell them apart in a few months/years(and I'm pretty sure I got them mixed up more than once during their session). The took turns sleeping, smiling, having the hiccups, and basically being positively amazing for their entire session. Big brother was on hand for some photos(I was fortunate enough to do his newborn photos--where does the time go?!) and his smile and bright eyes always have me smiling on the other side of the lens. And I can't say enough good things about mom and dad; they were relaxed, helpful, patient, and more importantly, calm and easy going, which helps any newborn session go smoother.  This is one amazing family, full of laughs and love, and I'm honored to have been able to work with them for the past year!



(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 19 Apr 2016 22:55:57 GMT
Time For Cake!

After doing uncountable cake smash sessions, I think I can say with certainty that each child is very unique in how they will react to their own personal cake. Some kids dig right in, others refuse to touch it at all, and some do very little eating but lots of smashing. This gentleman did a little bit of all(minus the part about not wanting to touch it). Normally, it's extremely difficult to get the birthday child to look up from their cake at all, much less smile, but he did both, and has one of the sweetest smiles I know! When I met him last fall, he wasn't quite yet walking, and here he is now, turning one. Happiest of birthdays to this cutie!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 13 Apr 2016 22:28:51 GMT
Ready for the Camera

Hard to believe that this beautiful gal is only four years old, but she is well on her way to stardom! She's getting ready to begin a career in modeling and acting, and stopped by the studio for some shots. She was such a joy to work with, very focused and calm, and I have no doubt she will be able to do anything she sets her mind to, and yet I still hope that she makes time for all of those four-year-old things, like playing make believe, dress up, and just having fun!



(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 01 Apr 2016 10:44:58 GMT
A Trio of Beautiful Ladies

I first met these ladies before there were three; and now, a year later, we're celebrating a second birthday, another little sister(who I had the honor of meeting at her newborn session), and some gorgeous spring colors! Do kids get easier to work with the longer you know them? Absolutely, although the unpredictable nature of young children always keeps me on my toes. As usual, this trio was uh-mayzing to work with, such a lovely group, and mom and dad are sooooo laid back and helpful, chasing kids and props and accessories during the session. I'm pretty sure this family has an awesome summer lined up, and I can't wait to see the fun they get into!



(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 01 Apr 2016 00:58:34 GMT
Newborn Baby Boy

When a newborn smiles in their sleep, it's enough to make your little heart just melt, and this handsome fella gave me one or two smiles, and that was all I needed to be won over. He was a true gentleman for his session; cooperative for posing, sleepy for stretches of time, and of course, his mom was totally awesome--helping out and being oh-so-patient. He is the first child in the family, and mom and dad have a lot of loving to give over the next few months as he grows and enters so many different stages in such a short time. I'm pretty sure that his parents have it all under control, and will spoil and love him endlessly!



(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 24 Mar 2016 23:46:32 GMT
Destroy the Cake!

Picture this: a beautiful, blue-eyed beauty, a one year celebration, and a scrumptious cake. You can guess what happens next, but I assure you, it will never be as great as actually witnessing the event, which I had the pleasure of doing during this little lady's one year session. She completely destroyed her cake, and it was all I could do to keep from laughing hysterically(which I did more than once) while trying to take as many photos as possible. She definitely captured my heart, and I hope that her birthday party was a blast!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 21 Mar 2016 23:53:38 GMT
Terrific Two!

This adorable darling? I had the joy of meeting her a full year ago, when we did her one year photos. Fast forward to now, and here she is, 12 months cuter! Mom and dad were an ease to work with the first time around, and they were still every bit as fun working with again. They also let me know that big sis now has a little brother that I will get to meet in a few months, and to say I'm excited is an understatement! Such a wonderful, happy family, I wish them nothing but the best for this year!



(AT Photography Studios) Sun, 13 Mar 2016 22:16:34 GMT
Let Him Eat Cake!

It's not every day that you turn one year old, so it's perfectly acceptable to have a whole cake to yourself to celebrate. Each child is so uniquely different, and their reactions to photography sessions are no exception. I've seen more than my fair share of cake smashes, but this adorable young man was the first to conquer his cake *without* using his hands, and he was certainly determined to have a few bites! Such a happy gentleman, and a delight to photograph--I hope he has many more joyous birthdays on the way!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 10 Mar 2016 23:56:32 GMT
Happy Baby Boy

Not all newborns sleep for their sessions; regardless of what magic I think I may possess, there are some little babes that just decide they're not going to sleep(aka, make my job easy). But while sleeping definitely helps get those posed shots, it isn't necessarily required, and there are still many precious photos that can be captured of newborns while they are awake and calm. In this particular case, this handsome boy gave us some sleepy shots and was more than cooperative while he slumbered. I hope mom and dad are adjusting to their new family, and hopefully getting some sleep of their own!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 09 Mar 2016 23:46:18 GMT
Baby Girl Times Two

In the grand scheme of things, 'they' say two is always better than one, and although it might take a little more work and patience, I'd definitely have to agree when it comes to newborns. Hard to believe these precious babes shared living quarters for 9 months, but I am sure that mum is quite happy they are now in her arms. And while double the work includes things like diapers, baths, feeding, and laundry, it also means double the love, happiness, and joy in watching these two baby girls grow into the sweetest set of sisters around. Here's hoping the first year is a memorable one!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 07 Mar 2016 23:35:27 GMT
The Big O-N-E

A whole year gone like the blink of an eye--sooooo much growing in twelve short months! This handsome fella? I first met him at his newborn session, and he was adorable then. Fast forward a year, and the adorableness has multiplied by a trillion, and he shows no signs of slowing down! Needless to say, I adore him as much as I did a year ago(possibly more?!), and he has the most amazing parents and siblings that encourage nothing but smiles and happiness. Happy 12 months, handsome man!



(AT Photography Studios) Sun, 06 Mar 2016 00:04:32 GMT
Big Sister Little Brother

Last summer, I met this blue-eyed baby girl for the first time at her mom and dad's family maternity session. She had so much personality, and was rather leery of me following her around with my crazy camera, but when she smiled, the world stood still! And now enter her baby brother, who is a downright ham in front of the camera, and you have the cutest brother and sister duo ever. I'm ecstatic that mom and dad keep bringing their lovely and easy to work with family around for pictures, they definitely keep me on my toes, and I'm always happy to see them!


(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 04 Mar 2016 00:47:13 GMT
One Year Young

I often wonder if parents share my same shock and wonder that an entire year seems to have passed in the blink of an eye. Because that's exactly what this little guy did. Just a few(12) months ago, he was curled up for his newborn session, and here he is now, turning one year old, and making his family fall more and more in love every day. And let's not forget that he's now been promoted to big brother, and has two precious sisters that he loves dearly. Let's slow down a little bit, birthday boy, and let everyone cherish your first years! Here's to cake, ice cream, hugs and kisses from loved ones, and plenty of smiles and laughs!



(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 01 Mar 2016 01:04:15 GMT
Santa Baby

This family? I've had the honor of seeing them grow/expand for over a year now, and I was delighted to be photographing their newest addition; a son that decided to make his appearance on Christmas day. Less than 10% of my newborns sleep their *entire* session, but this little guy decided he wanted to be in that small percentile, and slept(pardon the pun) like a baby the entire time. Mom and dad are always so easy to work with, and their newborn session was just as relaxed and laid back as needed. Of course, people are always curious if anything happened while baby had their diaper off, but I try and keep little one's accidents as hush-hush as possible(what happens in the studio stays in the studio). I wish this family all the best while welcoming their son into his first few months of life, and cannot wait to see him in the future!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 16 Feb 2016 00:35:46 GMT
Boys Boys Boys

This mom is definitely outnumbered on the home front; already two adorable sons and their family is welcoming yet another healthy baby boy, and he cannot get any cuter. I am sure that his older brothers will be more than helpful with looking after him as he grows, and mom and dad are already giving all their love to this handsome young man. And even though mom might be surrounded by boys, I am sure that she loves each and every one and wouldn't have it any other way!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 03 Feb 2016 00:37:19 GMT
Sisterly Session

Getting these two girls together for a photo was no easy task, and one that I've been working on since little sister's birth 9 months ago. Big sis is so full of life and energy, she rarely sits still, but lucky for me, little sis hadn't learned to crawl yet, so she couldn't escape my lens. When big sis finally did slow down long enough for some photos, she gave her best smile! I have no doubt that these two gals will grow up being the best of friends, and I love watching the beautiful people they're becoming with each passing year!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 28 Jan 2016 00:13:38 GMT
Double the Love

I'll be the first to admit; it's easy to find yourself asking the same 'taboo' questions to parents of multiples: How do you tell them apart? How do you feed two at once? I don't know how you do it! But the truth is, after only working with these beautiful ladies for 3 hours, it was very clear that they each had very different personalities, and that there's no way mom and dad will ever get them mixed up, and that at the end of the day, while multiples might be extra work, they're everything that you ever wanted for your family and wouldn't trade them for the world. I can't thank this family enough for trusting their adorable duo in my hands for their newborn session, and little brother was so handsome AND handled the girls with such gentleness and love. I'm already counting down the months until I see these precious ladies again, I am sure that everyone that meets them will fall in love immediately!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 25 Jan 2016 23:28:48 GMT
Best Brotherly Friends

Somehow, these two young men have managed to grow up so much faster than I ever could have imagined. It's been almost two years since I first had the pleasure of photographing them, and my how they have grown. Their energy levels are insane, and I have no idea how mom and dad can even keep up with the nonstop pace, but I do know that I can't help but smile each time I see them. Slow down, boys, you'll be teenagers before I know it!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 19 Jan 2016 20:59:51 GMT
One Year of Memories

Sometimes, I'm in as much denial as parents when I realize a whole year has gone by in a little one's life. This lovely lady sat for one of my first newborn shoots, and came in again at 4 months, 8 months, and finally at 1 year. So many different stages of development in such a short period of time, and to watch small clients grow into beautiful little people is one of the greatest rewards of being a photographer. I have no doubt that this gal will continue her cuteness right into toddler stage, and will be a beautiful little girl before mom and dad can wonder where the time went. Happy 1 year, little lady, and here's to many more!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 13 Jan 2016 01:02:23 GMT
Tiny Sleeping Princess

This little gal's arrival made some people very happy! Mom and dad happily welcomed their first baby girl and three older brothers loved finally having a baby sister to watch over. And of course, I'm always happy to see a healthy and sleepy newborn in the studio(especially when mom picks colors like gray and purple--some of my favorites!)  Most of the photos shown here are of her sleeping, she was quite alert and awake for parts of her session, very curious about the goings on around her, and wide eyed with wonder. And while I hope she allows mom(and dad) to get some rest in these early months, I also hope that she spends more of her days laughing and learning as she grows in her first year, and warms the hearts of everyone she meets!



(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 04 Jan 2016 00:34:28 GMT
November Family Fun

Typically, photo sessions in the middle of November aren't very warm, but for this family, the weather couldn't have been better! Not to mention their session was held at a family member's farm that had an abundance of cool photo props(as well as an amazing cup of coffee which I got to enjoy with Grandma and Grandpa before we started). This adventurous foursome ended their morning with some shots down by the railroad tracks, where we wrapped up an awesome family session. Needless to say, I wouldn't hesitate to work with this group again; they were fun, outgoing, great to work with, and offer a delicious cup of coffee to start the morning.



(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 10 Dec 2015 00:25:49 GMT
Happily Ever After

I met these two lovely people during their son's newborn photo session, and I was delighted to be asked to capture their vow renewal ceremony later that fall. For me, one of the best parts of photographing someone's wedding isn't actually the wedding day(although it is lots of fun), but the meetings I get to have with the couple before the actual day discussing events, preferences, etc. It gives me a chance to get to know the couple, to put their worries at ease, and most important, get acquainted with them so that they are 100% comfortable with me on their wedding day. Because let's face it, I'm in their face with a camera for about 8-10 hours that day, and I'd rather be regarded as a friend instead of paparazzi(I've seen what angry people do to paparazzi cameras). Their ceremony was beautiful, the formal photos were awesome(although it's not even possible to imagine how cold it was that day because all the ladies toughed it out for pictures!), and the reception was nothing but good times with good friends and family. Did I mention the chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter icing? At the end of the night, I was happy to have been a part of their special day, and I wish them all the best in the future, and endless love within their family!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 09 Dec 2015 00:32:23 GMT
Undeniably Adorable

Any parent that has been through a newborn session can back me up when I say the final images with baby sleeping peacefully make all the hard work and patience totally worth it. Not that newborns do much other than sleep, fuss, eat, and make messy diapers; it's just that they tend to do all of the above at least 3-9 times during a session, and it's important that baby's needs are met before we worry about any photos. I got to 'photograph' this young man for the first time while his mum was still carrying him, and I was very excited to meet him. His good looks come from mom(so says dad) and his fussiness comes from dad(so says mom), but his cuteness is undeniable. I can't wait to see how this little man grows in the next year, time sure seems to fly by, so I hope mom and dad savor every moment with their precious son! 



(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 01 Dec 2015 00:32:30 GMT
Birthday Fun

What do you call a sleepover birthday party with professional hair/make-up, photographer, cake AND pizza? Just the coolest birthday party in the whole neighborhood! These gals were a blast to work with, and full of giggles and goofiness in between shots. As for the rest of the party that I missed? Let's just say I'm a bit jealous that I didn't get to hop into my jammies and have pizza and ice cream while watching movies way past my bedtime. Awesome party idea, mom, and best wishes to the birthday girl!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 30 Nov 2015 00:17:31 GMT
Turning One!

It's not the ooey goodness of cake that I love about 1 year sessions, and it isn't even the adorable outfits that I see these little ones dressed in--it's just simply the magical aura of this age group that charms me to no end. They're walking, sometimes talking, they're discovering new things daily, and their emotions are so pure and honest, it's hard not to fall in love with them all. As far as one-year-olds go, this handsome gentleman offered more smiles during his session than I have seen to date, and I am sure that he is well on his way to becoming a serious heartbreaker. Happy one year, little man!



(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 27 Nov 2015 23:59:03 GMT
Leaves, Toddlers, and Leopards

I'm just going to come right out and say it: this mom's idea of matching leopard print sweaters for the girls was absolute genius--I immediately fell in love with the way it looked against the autumn leaves. And we have not one, not two, but FIVE pairs of gorgeous blue eyes(did I mention I'm a sucker for blue eyes?). I met this amazing family almost a year ago, and have had the privilege to watch(and photograph) their family as they grow(and add new members). Mom and dad are insanely easy-going, big sis is charming beyond words, middle sis adorably independent, and little sis is full of smiles and oh-so-kissable cheeks. Hard to tell where the future will take this family of five, but I am quite positive that there will be love, laughs, and maybe even some more leopard print!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 25 Nov 2015 00:51:58 GMT
Sleepy Time

How do you get a newborn to sleep for their session? First, you heat the studio to HOT. Second, you make sure baby has a fully belly. Third, you have some white noise in the background. Fourth, make sure you have about 4 hours to spare, just in case the little one isn't in the mood to sleep. While newborn sessions are my favorite, they are probably the most time/labor intensive sessions that I do, and with good reason; that little subject requires the utmost care and attention to make sure they are nothing but comfortable and safe the entire time. And this little man breezed through his session like a champ, with big brother, momma, and grandma cheering him on the whole time. Sleep well, little one, and get ready for a great first year!



(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 19 Nov 2015 23:22:39 GMT
One Step Closer

I met them for the first time at the end of August and photographed their wedding 2 months later. It's such a brief time to get to know someone, but looking through my lens on their special day, I saw two amazing people, very much in love, surrounded by friends and family, and all celebrating a marriage that will surely last a lifetime. I could chit-chat with these two over coffee for hours(and did, twice, before their big day); so down to earth and easygoing. It might have been a cold and rainy day in October, but at their celebration, the hearts were warm and faces cheery. (At this time I would also like to confess that I may or may not have visited the chocolate fountain more than ten times that evening...dee-lish!) I wish nothing but the best for these two newlyweds, and hope that our paths will cross again in the future!



(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 19 Nov 2015 00:26:12 GMT
Almost to Graduation

Anytime I can get a high school senior to sit in a pile of leaves and toss handfuls in the air is a good day in my book! This young lady was the perfect blend of fun, spunk, and beauty, and I was thrilled that she chose me to shoot her senior session. It won't be long until she's walking across that stage to get her diploma, and the world had better look out, because she's determined and on her way!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 17 Nov 2015 22:56:28 GMT
Fun in the Leaves

Not only did I get to enjoy one of my favorite fall colors(yellow), but I also got to work with a pretty awesome family for this session. They sat, they smiled, the played, they made my job so easy that I kind of felt like I should have paid them at the end(so wonderful to work with!). And their handsome little man offered up a few smiles for the camera and handled the session like a pro(okay, maybe the smiles were for his favorite Mickey Mouse toy, but I'll take any smile I can get!) As we head slowly into winter, here's wishing snowmen, fireplaces, and hot chocolate with mini-marshmallows to this loving family of three!



(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 17 Nov 2015 00:04:19 GMT
1, 2, 3 Times a Lady

Not only did they choose purple for the session colors(I love purple), but they were also incredibly easy to work with, and understood the Laws of Toddlers(which states that all subjects under the age of 5 will pretty much do whatever they want, and we must make it work). This is the second time I've had the pleasure of working with this family this year, and I must say that the biggest change came from their youngest daughter, who I hadn't seen since her newborn session, when she had a full head of dark hair. (Not that I mind the new light colored ringlets one bit.) For me, part of what makes a session a success is not just getting some great shots that someone will hang on their wall, but making a connection with the client that turns into a friendship, therefore making each time I see them even better than the last. I'm happy to watch this family grow, and can't wait to see what the future holds for them!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 12 Nov 2015 01:13:18 GMT
Rain Rain Go Away

What does one do when it rains the ENTIRE morning and early afternoon on the day of their outdoor wedding? Thank their lucky stars that the rain stopped 2 hours before the ceremony, and then enjoy the most gorgeous sunset later that evening. Once the rain stopped, this happy couple enjoyed a beautiful ceremony followed by a festive reception, with lots of good food, good music, and of course, friends and loved ones. I've always been told that rain on your wedding day is good luck, and I'd have to agree. Congratulations and best wishes to these two lovebirds!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 11 Nov 2015 01:21:55 GMT
Fall Family Fun

Fall is probably the busiest time of year for any photographer, and honestly, not much can beat the beautiful colors of the changing foliage. This family picked an awesome day for their session; just enough sunshine and plenty of changing leaves. Working with older children is always a welcome change of pace, and these three kiddos were very  cool to work with, and not to mention energetic and willing to do some climbing! Mom did an incredible job coordinating outfits and I couldn't have asked for a more pleasant family to work with.



(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 09 Nov 2015 00:16:26 GMT
Lucky Number Seven

When a client books a session for their family of seven, one would think it's seven times the work of a regular session. But that was totally not that case with this awesome family! The kiddos were quite well behaved and more than cooperative for their pictures, and they all worked together looking after each other while we got different poses during their session. Honestly? I love it when I have so much fun that it doesn't feel like work, and this family was definitely easy to work with, fun and energetic, and smiles from here to Florida. Even if they have a family of eight next time they call, you better believe I'd jump at the chance to work with them again!



(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 06 Nov 2015 00:12:24 GMT
Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice

The last time I saw this little princess in the studio was around Christmas, before she was walking or crawling. Fast forward to the end of this summer, and this time around, she was ALL over the studio, and lots of fun! Mom even brought along some Halloween costumes so we could try and get a few shots of that as well, and I'd have to say, she's the cutest ducky around!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 04 Nov 2015 21:30:23 GMT
Four Months of Smiles

The last time I saw this little lady was when she was 3 weeks young, and while we did manage to get some very beautiful family shots of her, she didn't get too many individual photos, and didn't offer a smile once. Fast forward 4 months and this little beauty has a smile that would make the sun melt, such a happy little one! I always have to thank mom/dad for these amazing smiles, as they are usually right over my shoulder, cooing and talking to their precious baby. She is already on her way to becoming a heartbreaker, and I hope the rest of her first year is as good as the first four months!



(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 30 Oct 2015 00:32:01 GMT
Rock-a-bye Baby

This handsome newborn spent his session dreaming of baby bottles and cozy blankets, all while letting me tuck him gently into wooden buckets and pose him ever so sweetly. Not all newborn photographs are 'posed,' sometimes I find that newborns will settle so adorably that I only need to gently position their little faces toward the camera. And this gentleman did just that; settled into a comfy spot, and then didn't want to be bothered. I'm always thankful for moms during newborn sessions--their help and patience is greatly appreciated. As for this guy? I hope that his first year is full of many smiles, laughs, crawls, walks, and love!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 27 Oct 2015 00:31:38 GMT
Senior Year-His Way

After spending the morning with his twin sister(previous blog), I had no doubt that this guy would also be kinda awesome to work with. While he did prefer a more serious look in his photos, I did manage to get him to lose composure once or twice, and found that he had a smile that could brighten anyone's day. Friendly, easy to work with, respectful, and a sense of humor--who could ask for more from a HS senior? I also had the help of mom, who suggested some amazing set-ups(and also more hours of laughs), and cannot thank her enough for being there and proudly supporting her babies as they prepare for their last year of school. I've no doubt that this handsome gentleman is already setting his sights on the future, and I hope he's dreaming big! 


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 21 Oct 2015 00:22:15 GMT
Senior Year-Her Way

The query email was simple enough: I need to book a session for my seniors. Mom was of course referring to her twin son and daughter, and although they each had very different personalities, they were both equally enjoyable to work with! This young lady was very open to some very crazy locations, and mom had an especially creative eye and offered plenty of great photo ideas(and uncountable laughs!). After an insanely fun morning session with mom and daughter, I was looking forward to the evening session with twin brother(whose session blog is up next--so stay tuned for the final installment of this dynamic duo). As for this beautiful young lady? Ya' better stay out of her way, because she's determined to take her future by the reins! Happy senior year!



(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 19 Oct 2015 23:32:55 GMT
Turning Two!

It's almost hard for me to believe that I met this handsome young man when he was just 6 months old, and I'm still awed at how handsome he is every time I see him! His smile radiates throughout the studio every time he visits, and I also get the chance to see some of his cute older brothers when he visits. And while this adorable two-year-old is the star of the session, I have to give huge thanks to his mother, who always has such great ideas for photos and also brings the cutest outfits. Any mom that brings a superhero cape for her child's photos is a hero in my book. Happy two year, handsome boy!



(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 17 Oct 2015 00:30:48 GMT
Timeless Love

The first time I met this couple was at their son's newborn session, and they, along with their other two children, were great to work with. So when I was asked to photograph their wedding, I couldn't have been happier. The bride(sooooo talented and creative!) made most of the wedding decorations herself and also planned the vintage theme/dress for the special day. Of course, weddings wouldn't be complete without the bridal party, and they made sure to work their buns off as well as keep me entertained throughout the day. And last but not least were the family and friends of the couple, which I saw many, all happy to witness these two commit to a lifetime together. I for one think that nothing can tear these two apart, and I am honored to have been able to be a part of their memorable day! Did I mention the copious amounts of moonshine at the reception? Cheers to love!




(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 15 Oct 2015 00:05:15 GMT
Senior Year at Last

It won't be too long before this senior says bye bye to high school for good! He certainly was more than awesome to work with for his session; he smiled, sat, posed, and even gave me some laughs from time to time. Mom and dad were along to help and observe, and they definitely had me laughing out loud as they at times poked fun at their son. It sounds like this young man has some incredible things lined up for after graduation, and I am sure that he will make mom and dad proud! Best of luck with senior year, and plans for the future!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 12 Oct 2015 23:57:47 GMT
Baby Boy on the Way

Blue is definitely the color on their minds, because this beautiful couple is preparing their homes and hearts for the arrival of their first child, a son. There's a certain quiet anticipation when expecting your first child; setting up the nursery, watching as your baby grows within the belly, folding tiny clothes, hearing the heartbeat, picking out names. And then BAM!, your child is born, and all of that quiet is replaced with crying, sleepless nights, dirty diapers, and missing socks. But you know what? Even through all of the chaos and sleep deprivation that surrounds a baby, the love grows stronger every day, and most parents wouldn't have it any other way. (Except for the socks, everyone hates socks without a match.) These soon-to-be-parents aren't just two of the nicest souls I've ever met, they're also friends, and I cannot wait for them to experience the joy of their son. (Which they did, last week. Congrats!)




(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 06 Oct 2015 23:46:10 GMT
Sleepy Baby Girl

I'm just going to go ahead and say what everyone is thinking: THAT HAIR!! To date, the most hair that I have seen on a newborn(and only 9 days old), and not just thick and long, but oh so soft! I am positive that mom thought me a tad crazy because I ran my fingers over her soft hair more than once. She slept beautifully throughout her session, tolerated all of my outfit/prop changes, and even offered a few smiles for the camera. Mom and dad brought along the cutest crochet hat, and were more than patient during the entire session. This precious angel is sure to break some hearts when she gets older, but for now, I think she'll be happy having captured mom and dad's hearts. I hope the first year is full of great memories!




(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 05 Oct 2015 23:45:27 GMT
Love&Music in the Air

Sometimes, love can't wait; this happy couple observed their wedding day last December, but knew a celebration with friends and family definitely had to happen, and that's exactly what they did. Their loved ones gathered from all over the country/world to recognize and celebrate the happy union of these two people, and boy do they know how to party. Dinner, dancing, live music serenading the guests, speeches, toasts, smiles, tears of happiness, heirloom gifts, cake, but most of all, a feeling of love and friendship throughout the entire room. Not only do this couple have each other for many years, they've also joined two families together, and I am positive they will create a lifetime of memories for generations to come.


(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 03 Oct 2015 14:57:19 GMT
Little Boy Blue

The nursery rhyme about little boy blue tells the story of a boy whose job it was to watch the sheep, but instead was sleeping. This little boy was quite the opposite; very awake for the beginning of this session, but sleep caught up with him quickly, and oh how beautifully he slept. He brought along his older brother and sister, who did more than awesome for their sibling photos(getting a two year old to sit still for 4 seconds is awesome in my book, and these kiddos did great!). Parents were also on hand  for some family photos, and I have to admit: I'm always amazed at how well mom and dad handle the craziness of a newborn session with only a few hours of interrupted sleep, hats off to them! And hats off to this little guy as he journeys into his first year of life.



(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 01 Oct 2015 22:57:01 GMT
Cake-Not for Sharing!

I had The. Best. Time watching this little man devour his cake, he had such enthusiasm for his birthday smash, and I have to agree; cake makes everything right with the world. He gave me a few shy smiles earlier in the session for his 1 year photos, but once he got a taste of that icing, it was game on. It was all I could do to keep the camera steady with all the laughing and smiling I was doing. Mom and grandma were on hand to help 'baby wrangle' and encourage smiles, but he didn't even share his cake with them. In the end, I think we were all more than happy with just watching him enjoy it. Happy 1 year, handsome man!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 30 Sep 2015 23:09:02 GMT
Best Brothers

I know that in some point of time, these two brothers might bicker and argue(the way all siblings do), but for now, they are perfectly happy in each other's company. I've had the pleasure of seeing this young man for his newborn photos, first year photos, and now for his second year photos, and he continues to grow into a handsome and intelligent youngster. Of course, I got to work with the whole family for this session, although I really don't consider it work when I'm enjoying the company of such great people. It's always a pleasure seeing a close friend and watching her family grow, but they can slow down  on the growing up part any day now!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 29 Sep 2015 22:08:47 GMT
Senior Days

I'm especially happy to be the one photographing seniors and not the one going into senior year(homework sucks!). This young lady is sure to enjoy her last year of high school and move onto a  bright future after graduation. Working with her was super fun, she had an amazing sense of humor, and her mom and I laughed and carried on probably more than we should have. When I met her over a year ago, I had no idea the time would fly by so quickly and I'd be doing her senior session so soon, but here's hoping for an awesome senior year and an even better future!






(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 24 Sep 2015 14:47:40 GMT
Neverending Summer

This little gal doesn't care what any calendar says, summer is here to stay and she's the boss, so winter had better back off! I met this precious beauty when she was just 2 weeks old, got to see her smile when she was 4 months old, and now at 8 months, I can see that she is growing into quite the pretty lady. Momma is a friend of mine, and always brings such cute outfits to her sessions, and what is cuter than this little bikini?! Ah, I can't wait to see this little one for her first birthday, and I can't believe how fast a single year can pass!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 22 Sep 2015 23:56:28 GMT
Family Funtime

One word needed to keep up with toddlers on the go: energy. And these parents had lots of it! Not only was their little man celebrating a recent first birthday, but mom and dad decided it was a great time of year to get some family photos done. I don't think I've ever photographed a family that *all* had such amazing blue eyes, not to mention some great genuine smiles. Props to mom and dad for doing all of the chasing during this session(he was one fast little guy) and best of luck keeping up with him in the future!



(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 19 Sep 2015 23:34:36 GMT
Sleepy Time

A handsome little man all dressed up with no place to go but the studio, and did he ever put me and mom to work! Newborn sessions are worked around the baby; every pose, every shot, every moment is spent making sure that the little one is comfortable and safe while taking photographs. Babies are much easier to work with when sleeping, but some babies don't care much for sleeping, as was the case with this precious angel. He spent quite a bit of time just looking around, taking in the scenery, and possibly wishing I would get my camera out of his face, but eventually, he did sleep, and we made sure to make the most of those blissful sleepytime moments. Lucky for me, mom and dad were a joy to hang out with during the session, and big sister couldn't get any cuter. This little guy is definitely going to keep the whole family busy as he grows up in the next year!



(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 17 Sep 2015 00:17:08 GMT
Senior Dreaming

This gorgeous young lady is headed right into her last year of high school, and what a great year it's going to be! I was fortunate enough to work with her family before, so when I found out I was doing her senior session, I was quite excited. Not only is she a beautiful young woman, but she's also kind-hearted, down to earth, and super fun to work with. Her mom was an incredible help during the session, not just for adjusting small details, but also for keeping us all smiling and laughing the entire time; they're both such positive and radiant women! I have a feeling this gal is going to have a fabulous senior year, followed by a future filled with accomplishing her dreams and much more. Happy senior year!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 14 Sep 2015 23:53:27 GMT
Handsome Baby Boy

Whose heart doesn't melt at the sight of a newborn baby smiling?!This young man was so easy to work with; mom and dad had some great photo suggestions, and their new son was happy to give them what they wanted. Beautiful big sis posed for some very sweet shots with her new baby brother, and mom and dad were so helpful and easygoing the entire session, what a great bunch to work with! This family has all the love in the world to share between each other and I wish them many smiles watching their little man grow in the next year!


(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 12 Sep 2015 16:13:11 GMT
Four Months Young

I got to meet this little darling when she was just 2 weeks old, and to see how much she's grown in just 4 months is amazing! She showed up(with mom and dad of course) happy as ever, I tickled her piggy toes, she let me get about 15 minutes of shooting time in and then got hungry after all that smiling. After a quick bottle, she decided photo time was over and fell fast asleep. But in those 15 minutes, she sure did work the camera! Can't wait to see her again in a few months!



(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 10 Sep 2015 23:51:19 GMT
Brothers for Life

A year and a half ago, I had the pleasure of meeting this handsome young man for his two-year pictures. This time around, he brought his sweet little brother along for some photos as well, and I cannot get enough of their adorable little faces! Both such handsome boys; full of smiles and energy, and just from watching them interact, I could see the love between these two(although I am sure mom will see the bickering and fighting in the years to come!)This duo has completely stolen my heart(big brother got TWO lollipops after the session!) and I cannot wait to see their handsome faces again!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 09 Sep 2015 00:24:41 GMT
Boy or Girl?!

Ah, how fun is a gender reveal session?! Some parents choose not to find out the gender of their child until birth, but others want to know as soon as possible so they can plan. In this case, mom and dad already have an adorable little girl and wondered whether or not she had a little brother or sister on the way, and it looks like a little boy will be joining their happy family. And I definitely can't wait to meet him!



(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 29 Aug 2015 16:01:30 GMT
Baby Girl on the Way

It's hard for me *not* to get excited about maternity sessions; not only is there always large amounts of joy and happiness around, but it's impossible to forget that there's a tiny little baby that will soon be arriving into the world, and into loving arms. This couple was a blast to work with--after our first session got rained out, we got perfect weather for the next one, with low humidity and cool clouds. And while I always think the expectant mother is the 'star' of the show(and she was so sweet), dads are an important part of the maternity session as well(and are a great help when mom needs a hand up from a crazy seated position I've put her in). The best part about this maternity session is that I also got the honor of doing their newborn session, and trust me when I say that you don't want to miss the photos of their newest member of the family!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 24 Aug 2015 23:47:36 GMT
Girls Girls Girls

Some families hope for a child of each gender, but when you have daughters as beautiful as these ladies, who needs boys? I had the pleasure of meeting this family for their middle daughter's 1 year cake smash and that's when I learned that this precious gal was coming soon. And was she ever worth the wait, such delicate features and long, slender fingers! She will no doubt fit right in with her gorgeous big sisters, and mom and dad will have their hands full when the dating years finally arrive. But for now, I think this happy family will be content spoiling little girls and dealing with the whole growing up thing one day at a time. Wishing this awesome family a happy almost-end-of-summer!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 18 Aug 2015 23:04:18 GMT
Cake On Her Birthday

Not only was her cake smash session on her actual birthday, but she had her official first birthday party the next day, talk about a fun filled weekend! I had the absolute joy of meeting this little gal's family last Christmas, and cannot be happier that I get to see  them all every time they come for pictures. As for this adorable diva? She totally rocked her 1 year/cake smash session, and I hope she had an amazing party the following day. Happy first year, baby girl!



(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 11 Aug 2015 22:31:18 GMT
Precious Baby Girl

Now, I know that everyone looooooves viewing newborn pictures; and how could you resist those angelic little ones sleeping so peacefully? I admit, I go aaaawww many times during a session just because they're so darn cute, but I have to tell you, working with the families of newborns is also just as special. Most families are in the studio within 1-3 weeks of their little one's arrival, and the love and adoration between them all is so obvious, it's hard *not* to capture all the abundant affection. Older siblings are also a treat, I love watching them interact with their newest family member. This family was all of that and then some; so very relaxed and easy to work with, and nothing but devotion and tenderness amongst them. This newborn baby girl was a joy to work with, as was her family! Hoping for a happy first year!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 05 Aug 2015 23:55:43 GMT
Smiley Sisters

I cannot get enough of these adorable sisters! Little sis stopped in to get her 4 month photos, and big sis came along to pose for some shots as well. There are no words to describe the feeling I get when seeing how much a client has grown since the last time we met; I didn't think it was possible for these two to get any cuter, but they proved me wrong and continue to get more and more beautiful each time I see them. And mom and dad continue being delightful people to work with, I'm so lucky to be able to call them friends, and I hope they're having a fantastic summer with their wonder family!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 03 Aug 2015 23:55:39 GMT
Because He's Happy!

It doesn't happen as often as I'd like, but some babes are just sooooooo happy during their session! This little guy was one of those babes; he was full of smiles and laughs, and I couldn't help but smile the entire session, because this kind of happiness is contagious! Dad played a major part in getting these fantastic expressions(loved ones making funny faces and noises while standing behind me are always encouraged), and mom was more than willing to help as well. All in all, this family totally rocked their session!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 29 Jul 2015 22:39:01 GMT
Baby Brother is Coming

Baby brother has no idea that a beautiful little sister awaits his arrival, not to mention a very excited mom and dad. This maternity session was done at *3 weeks before her due date* and mom was downright beautiful and glowing, hardly looking like she was about to give birth. And even though two-year-olds will generally do as they please without regard to anyone's photo plans, this little lady offered us more than a few big sister smiles. And don't for a second think that dad wasn't just as awesome as mom and big sis; he was incredibly helpful throughout the session, and he and mom worked together to include their daughter in the family maternity session. I can't wait to see this soon to be family of four again!  (Photographer's note: I get to meet baby brother tomorrow....sooo excited!)



(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 23 Jul 2015 00:30:58 GMT
Handsome Little Heartbreaker

This handsome little man was so sweet during his session! He got super comfortable in all of his poses, and I seriously could have scooped him up and gave him kisses the entire time he was there. As an added bonus, mom and dad were *incredible* to work with; very relaxed and calm, willing to hold their son sans diaper(the tiny risk of potty accidents is totally worth the shot! But this gentleman stayed dry for mom and dad), and just two of the sweetest parents I had the pleasure of working with. As for the handsome heartbreaker? I trust he is  being loved and spoiled to the utmost degree!


(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 17 Jul 2015 20:35:26 GMT
Big Brother, Little Brother, Baby Sister

At six weeks old, this little beauty was awake and alert for her photos, and what a joy to she was work with. I also got to meet and photograph her older brothers, and such well behaved gentlemen they were! Often times when working with multiple children under the age of 4/5, the outcome of the photos can be pretty unpredictable, as younger toddlers/babies are prone to mood swings and very little tolerance for doing things they don't want to do. And I don't blame them, if I were a toddler, the last thing I'd want to do is sit still for a photo. But this trio did wonderfully and we were able to get some great pictures for their family.


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 13 Jul 2015 20:58:55 GMT
Welcome Baby Girl

Ah, the art of newborn photography. I love working with these little bundles of love, and am learning that each one is so incredibly different than the next, yet each one is a tiny miracle to be handled with much care and respect. This sweet darling was 20 days old, and although she let it be known that she wasn't in the mood for many pictures, she gave us some quiet moments in which we were able to get some beautiful photos. Mom and dad were more than patient, and I could see that their adorable daughter had already captured their hearts and has a loving family enjoying every moment of her growing up!


(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 10 Jul 2015 17:14:41 GMT
Wedding Day Bliss

Any wedding photographer will tell you that weddings are A LOT of work. For me, they're also A LOT of fun, not just the excitement of the festivities, but because of the unbridled positive emotion that's all around, all day long. Sure, every wedding has its 'moments'(in this particular case, it was hail and high winds), but at the end of the day, two people that are very much in love have dedicated their lives to one another, and that's what it's all about. This couple couldn't have been more amazing to work with, from 7am hair and makeup, to 7pm drinks and dancing, it was nonstop good people and good fun, and I was honored to be the one to capture those precious memories for the family. Here's to a happily ever after!







(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 08 Jul 2015 21:38:09 GMT
The Queen of Sleep

This precious baby girl decided she was ready to meet the world a few weeks early, and she definitely made her family very happy, not to mention me as well! This little bundle of perfection slept her entire session, and I mean the entire session. We had to wake her up when it was over, or she probably would have slept some more. Her older sister did AMAZING with the family/sibling photos, and is just as cute and precious. And I cannot forgot mom and dad, who were so very relaxed and calm for the session(so relaxed, in fact, that dad might have taken a little catnap, which is totally encouraged!!). Each time I get a chance to work with this family, I fall in love with them a little more; they're such a loving bunch, and so stunningly photogenic. Happy summer to this sweet foursome!


(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 26 Jun 2015 21:04:18 GMT
Against All Odds

This is one family that's going to conquer any obstacles in their way! While I would have cancelled in a heartbeat, they managed difficulties such as 18 hour flights, airport snafus, and countless hours in a car in between, and STILL made it to their session, looking polished and beautiful! (I hope they all went home and took naps!)I had the pleasure of working with this fun foursome over the holidays, and I looked forward to seeing how much their beautiful girls have grown. And looking at their stunning family portraits, I'd have to say that everyone is as handsome as can be! Here's hoping that they got the rest of that weekend to relax, and many more to come.


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 16 Jun 2015 19:46:15 GMT
Patiently Waiting New Delivery

I think that all moms get a sense of urgency during the last trimester of their pregnancy, and this mom was rightly worried about getting her maternity session done, as a short 4 weeks later, her little one arrived early! I was so happy to be able to capture this special time before she came; the expecting parents were such fun to work with, and beautiful big sister was so full of love for the baby soon to come. And I'm not one to spoil a surprise, but having already done their newborn session, I can tell you that she is just as beautiful as her sister and parents! I'm so fortunate to be able to work with such amazing people!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 08 Jun 2015 19:01:53 GMT
One Year Young!

Nothing has quite as much excitement and anticipation as a first birthday, and this little lady sure knows how to party! I have way too much fun doing cake smash sessions, mess and all, and it's sheer joy watching an almost-toddler destroy their celebratory cake. From catching their priceless expressions to the crumbs on their face; every moment has the essence of happiness. So many helpers were along to give mom a hand with her session, and I must thank them for all the smiles they helped us get. I'm wishing a very sweet summer to this young lady and her family!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 03 Jun 2015 23:38:12 GMT
Eleven-Day-Old Beauty

When this little lady arrived at my studio, the first thing I wanted to do was scoop her up and give her kisses(because that's secretly what I want to do with all precious newborns), and the second thing I wanted to do was run my fingers through her luxurious hair--so long and soft! Aside from being a complete dream to work with, her siblings were equally adorable, and mom and dad were soooo calm and relaxed(which is one of many keys to a successful session). I'm sure that mom, dad, and big sisters are showering her with love and kisses, and have plenty of fun things ahead for the whole family this summer!



(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 26 May 2015 20:50:43 GMT
Family Picture Time!

It's no secret; some people *love* getting their picture taken, and others(of all ages) must be begged and bribed in order to partake. It doesn't matter which type of person you long as you get your picture taken a few times a year...not necessarily professionally, but on something other than a cell phone camera. Often times, life gets hectic, and we forget that not only do people young and old age every year, but that years down the road, these memories will be a lot of fun to look back on. (I am in the category that needs to be bribed to have my picture taken, just saying.) This family, however, needed no bribery from me whatsoever, and totally rocked their family session! All four members equally fun to work with, with plenty of laughs and smiles.


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 20 May 2015 23:31:29 GMT
4 Months Young!

One of the greatest joys of being a newborn/baby/toddler photographer(aside from all of the potty accidents, spitting up, drooling, and crying) is being given the opportunity to watch these precious little ones grow. The last time I saw this princess was at 13 days old, and my, what a difference three and a half months can make! Mom was close at hand, and solely responsible for any smiles this little miss was willing to give, so I am always thankful for helpful parents in the studio! I can't wait to see what this beautiful little gal has in store for me at her next photo session!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 14 May 2015 22:24:40 GMT
Family Fun Time

It's hard for me to pick a favorite type of session(newborn, family, 1 year, senior) because I love photography in general, and the subject is only a matter of perspective. BUT. I have to say that I love the ease of photographing older kids and teens that are more attentive to direction and also tons of fun to be around! This family was exactly that; loads of fun to work with, and of course, the youngest subject was handsome as ever and full of energy and smiles that day. I can't wait to photograph this foursome again!



(AT Photography Studios) Sun, 10 May 2015 18:57:13 GMT
Rock-a-bye Baby

Newborn sessions are painstakingly planned for the best outcome; from a host of things I do in-studio during the session, to scheduling around the baby's feed/sleep schedule. But sometimes, newborns just don't want to sleep through their session, much like this radiant beauty, who decided she wanted to be awake and see what was going on. Her parents were incredibly patient, and we got this little angel to sleep for some of her shots, while others she was wide awake, which I think is quite a beautiful thing to capture as well. Not to mention she shared a few smiles with me, and newborn smiles have a way of tugging right at my heartstrings! I can't wait to see how this little one grows, and wish her family plenty of smiles in the upcoming years!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 07 May 2015 22:04:55 GMT
Family Four Pack of Fun!

When this charming family arrived for their session, and I saw not one but *two* adorable red-headed cuties, it made my day! And after working with them, it was confirmed; the whole was family super fun with lots of energy, and mom and dad were beyond helpful in getting some great grins from the kiddos. Sometimes, my plan of encouraging parents to bring snacks for young babes and toddlers backfires, and we end up with Cheerios in the final portrait, but I think that is perfectly acceptable, especially if that's what we needed to get these angelic smiles. Photography rarely happens the way it's planned, and I think capturing a personality is far more important than staging the perfect photo. I hope this family has a happy summer ahead, with plenty of Cheerios and maybe even an ice cream or two!




(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 04 May 2015 23:35:44 GMT
Precious Early Arrival

I had this maternity session planned out; right down to details like frozen lakes and antique sleds. But this little miss decided that she wasn't waiting any longer to finally meet her loving family, so she made an early debut. Thankfully, despite being six weeks early, she was healthy and home after a short hospital stay, and already melting the hearts of everyone she met. Needless to say, I fell in love with her instantly(her big sister already has my heart), and worked with her very patient mother to get some great images. I've been photographing this family for over a year now, and I can honestly say that they are pure delight to work with, and one of the most caring and loving families I have the honor of capturing. Here's to another great year ahead for this affectionate and fun-loving bunch!



(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 28 Apr 2015 00:24:00 GMT
One Year of Cuteness!

Celebrating a one-year birthday is definitely a milestone in my book, and this little darling was in the best of moods for her session! Not to mention that mom brought two of the cutest, most colorful dresses I have seen, and that made the studio even more festive. Massive thanks to mom and dad for all of the smile coaxing(alas, it wasn't me that produced such genuine smiles, but her parents standing behind me) as well as the tickling!  Wishing a very happy spring to this sweet family!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 21 Apr 2015 23:19:39 GMT
Flowers For the Birthday Girl

At times, it can be oh-so-difficult being the stranger on the other side of the camera, because I'd love to just run up and kiss little cheeks like the ones on this pretty baby girl! She came for her 1 year pictures, as well as some cake, and even though she was a bit wary of the studio surroundings, she couldn't have been more beautiful for her pictures. Here's to many more birthdays with cake, and plenty of kisses on those cute cheeks!


(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 18 Apr 2015 00:39:51 GMT
Foursome Full of Fun!

There's no hard and fast secret to photographing kids ages 0-5, but following a few tips can help; schedule your session around your *kid's* schedule(the time of day they're the happiest), bring plenty of snacks and drinks, bring their favorite toy, take plenty of breaks, and be prepared to sit a and smile as quickly as possible. This family did all of that, and then some, and I couldn't have had a better time working with them! Not only were mom and dad experienced kid wranglers, but the little ones were exceptionally cute and happy for their session, and that's a great combination for some awesome pictures.


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 08 Apr 2015 21:39:18 GMT
Slumbering Sweetheart

If the clerk at the antique store knew what I was planning to do with this bucket, she probably would have been horrified, but I think this adorable princess fits inside perfectly! The last time I saw her, she was just a bump in mommy's belly, and I couldn't have been happier to finally meet her(her parents were kind enough to share her with me, and I *almost* didn't give her  back). I have a feeling this little darling already has mom and dad wrapped tightly around those tiny fingers, and after meeting her in person, I'm not far behind! Looking forward to seeing her grow over the next year, congrats to her family!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 01 Apr 2015 00:02:17 GMT
Family Celebration

When a client informs me that they are bringing their two kids for a session, ages 1 and 3, I know that not only will the session be lots of fun, but that I will also be on my toes most of the time! Kids have sooooo much energy and are in constant motion, but with the help of mom and dad, we managed to get these two to slow down long enough to snap a few pictures. Mom and dad were also super fun to work with, and they even brought along some jelly beans for the little ones(which I was tempted to ask if they'd share, but I was too busy!). This was a great family to work with, and I wish them many more family memories to come!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 25 Mar 2015 23:07:23 GMT
Party Like It's Your First Birthday!

This blue-eyed beauty came to the studio for her first birthday pictures as well as some first birthday cake! Big sis even came along to cheer her on, but this birthday girl needed no encouragement while smashing her cake. I always credit the parents for such amazing color combinations, as they always select the backgrounds and outfits for their session, and this mom and dad did a stellar job. Here's to this adorable gal having many cake and icing filled birthdays ahead!

(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 14 Mar 2015 16:08:39 GMT
Handsome Boy+Cake=Smiles!

This little boy *almost* didn't go home with his parents because I was *this close* to keeping him because he was too cute! I got to meet this handsome devil last Christmas when his family came in for holiday pictures, and he was a tad unsure of me and my scary camera. But for his 1 year/cake smash session, I got nothing but smiles! Maybe those smiles had something to do with the sugary goodness of cake and icing, but I am positively in love with his session pictures. His mom and dad are always fun to work with, and I hope this little guy had an awesome first birthday!


(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 02 Mar 2015 22:04:35 GMT
12 Days of Cuteness

When this precious little guy's mother suggested the 'bookworm' pose for her adorable newborn, I couldn't have been happier. Not only do I love client suggestions, but I also love smart babies that look adorable in glasses and a bowtie! This 12 day old heartbreaker was a breeze to work with, and if I didn't know any better, I'd say he was potty trained at barely 2 weeks old; he had only 2 'incidents' while in front of the camera, and that's a record for my newborn studio! But not only was this handsome man a joy to work with, his family was as well; mom and dad were beyond awesome, and big brother and sister couldn't have been more courteous and helpful. I see years of good times ahead for this little man and his loving family!



(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 23 Feb 2015 23:30:00 GMT
Coming this March

Some say the hardest part of any pregnancy is waiting for the little one to arrive(although the expecting mother might argue there are other difficult parts as well!), and I can completely understand a family's excitement for their new addition. Maternity sessions capture different emotions and sentiments, but more importantly, they capture that brief span of months as a child prepares to enter the world, the changes a mother's body makes to accommodate a growing baby, and how two people can fall in love with someone they've never met. This happy couple will be welcoming their first child in March, and now that I've met her while she was still residing with mom, I positively cannot wait to meet her in person. Here's to a safe a healthy delivery!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 18 Feb 2015 21:18:45 GMT
Cake for One!

A child's first birthday. Definitely a milestone event that every parent wants to cherish forever. Your little one is growing fast, and will soon enter the toddler phase of life, and what better way to celebrate than to have a cake smash session? This beautiful birthday girl did just that, and got to enjoy a cake all to herself while I happily snapped pictures. Even with a face full of icing and crumbs, her charm and beauty was irresistible! Happy birthday to this special little lady, and may her family have many more special milestone memories ahead!



(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 14 Feb 2015 21:52:05 GMT
Prince of Dreams

I always wonder if these little ones are dreaming when they're fast asleep in the studio, and I always feel like a big meany if I accidentally wake them while transitioning into the next pose! At only 16 days old at the time of his session, this baby boy had already won the hearts of every member of his family, immediate and extended, and was well on his way to winning my heart by the time his session was over. Mom and dad were absolutely amazing during the long studio sitting, and grandma helped on more than one occasion. I'm definitely wishing this little guy best of luck as he begins his journey of life, and may his family find much happiness in watching him grow!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 11 Feb 2015 00:35:40 GMT
Sleeping Beauty

This little beauty was almost a New Year's baby, but she decided to make her debut a few days later, and she was worth the wait. At only 7 days old, she was quite sleepy for most of her session, and even offered some smiles while she was deep in dreamland. I am sure her parents and little brother will be busy spoiling her the next few months, and happily getting their new family member settled in!



(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 31 Jan 2015 15:26:55 GMT
Finally A Princess

The last time I 'saw' this little girl, she was still living comfortably inside mommy's belly. She made her debut three weeks before Christmas, and couldn't have made her family happier. At 13 days old, Baby J seemed more interested in what was going on in the studio than she was in sleeping, but we still managed to get some beautiful shots of her and her family. With four older brothers to look after her(one not pictured), she is sure to be the most protected gal on the block. Welcome to the world, Baby J, and congratulations to your loving family! 


(AT Photography Studios) Sun, 04 Jan 2015 23:49:07 GMT
Santa's Sweetheart

Baby's first Christmas, what a special holiday celebration! This family definitely knows how to have fun, from each wearing a festive holiday headband, to tickling and laughing for their pictures, they kept me smiling the entire session. It won't be long before this little holiday sweetheart is opening up her presents with the help of big sister, while mom and dad watch. Hopefully Santa will make her first Christmas a good one!


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 23 Dec 2014 20:26:45 GMT
The Ugly Sweater Session

I see a lot of ugly sweater themed parties over the holidays, but I don't think I've actually had clients want their holiday photos while wearing them, until this beautiful threesome came to call! They arrived wearing positively fabulous party clothes, and saved the sweaters for last. It was easy to see that this close family has many laughs at home together, and while one sister might argue that the other sister is a pain in the tush(and vice versa), there is no hiding their closeness to one another, and bond as a family. I hope these lovely ladies have a wonderful holiday!



(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 22 Dec 2014 00:33:45 GMT
Girls in White Dresses with Gold Satin Sashes

Beautiful girls in stunning holiday dresses made this Christmas session complete! Planning outfits for a photography session can be nerve wracking and stressful, but when the tiny details of your family's ensemble are carefully planned, the photographic results can be that much more flattering. This group did an amazing job with planning their session pictures, and truth be told, they could have left these cuties at my house for a few hours for me to adore. Warmest holiday wishes to them all!



(AT Photography Studios) Sun, 21 Dec 2014 15:17:51 GMT
Six Santa's Helpers


Not one, not two, but six little helpers for Santa! (Which in photographer's language translates into total, unbridled chaos, but in such a good way.) This group of cousins came dressed in their holiday best, such carefully planned outfits with each beautiful child. And the glitter, wowser, we were all sparkling at the end of this session! I can only imagine their smiles as they see what Santa brought them on Christmas morning, and they probably look just as adorable in their PJs!


(AT Photography Studios) Sun, 21 Dec 2014 00:48:23 GMT
Five Festive Ladies

Five beautiful ladies dressed in holiday colors for a festive holiday session, and what a great bunch they were! The Christmas season is a great time to get together for family photos, be it with a photographer or just at a gathering using your cell phone to capture the moment. Savor large family gatherings, and take as many pictures as possible! I know this gorgeous bunch will be clicking away for the holidays, and I hope Santa is good to them all!


(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 20 Dec 2014 23:12:03 GMT
It's a Family Holiday

This rowdy bunch? I can't deny that I'm related, and I also can't deny that they are always a ton of fun whenever I get a chance to work with them! These boys are not only full of energetic, wild craziness, but they're also kind and respectful to those around them....until I suggested the wreath idea and dad and mom suggested the duct tape. But don't worry, Santa, it was all in good fun, so make sure this family gets everything on their lists!



(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 19 Dec 2014 01:20:25 GMT
His First Noel

It won't be long until this handsome guy is opening presents under the Christmas tree while a proud mom and dad watch on lovingly. Although he was a little timid at first, mom and dad managed to put his worries at ease, and were soon getting smiles and laughs. Parents play a huge role during a baby/toddler's session, not just staying close at hand for the little one's safety, but also by simply relaxing and interacting with them, so they feel confident enough to be themselves. And this family has being happy down to an art, what a joy they were to photograph!



(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 18 Dec 2014 23:23:27 GMT
Family Holiday Fun

Before meeting this happy foursome for their holiday session, mom of the family let me know that her daughter could be shy and difficult for pictures, but I was pleasantly surprised that she did amazingly well for her family's session. I think that a child's mood(and they change so quickly) plays an important part during photography sessions, and I lucked out with this little princess, who cooperated more than some 7/8 year olds. Her big brother did awesome as well, and I can't leave out mom and dad, who willingly changed multiple poses throughout their session. Santa will definitely be good to these four this Christmas!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 17 Dec 2014 22:55:08 GMT
Christmas for Three

When this baby girl smiles, you can pretty much say goodbye to your heart, because she will steal it in an instant! She was a tough case to crack, try as I might, she didn't want to give out too many smiles during her session, but she still was a stunning beauty in every single shot, and definitely stole my heart! I'm hoping the next time I see her, I'll get more smiles, and here's wishing her and her beautiful parents a happy Christmas!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 17 Dec 2014 00:31:40 GMT
Cousins for Christmas just aren't in the mood for pictures. And I don't blame them one bit, I'm rarely in the mood to have my photograph taken; you have to dress up, you can't get dirty, someone is constantly fussing over your hair, and then there's this scary stranger with a camera that keeps clicking it in your face. I wouldn't like that either. But. Some kids can be coaxed out of their "NO You May NOT Take My Picture" mood, normally with an activity or game, or in this case, throwing snowballs at Pop Pop(who happened to be standing behind me in the studio). A little bit of patience, a lot of imagination, and plenty of encouraging from people they know and love can go a long way during a photo session with young kids. Once these two adorable cousins relaxed, we were able to get some great shots!



(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 16 Dec 2014 00:44:16 GMT
Double Wedding Bliss

What's better than two handsome grooms on their wedding day? How about four handsome grooms, and a whole lot of great memories! I was honored to be a part of this intimate ceremony and watch as two couples vowed to be partners for life, after a 30+ and almost 20 year engagement. The whole wedding party was a fun and frisky bunch, and the celebrations continued well into the wee hours of the morning, with champagne flowing. Best of luck to my four grooms, who I happily consider good friends, and will definitely be seeing in the future! 



(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 12 Dec 2014 22:10:43 GMT
Holiday Fun for Four

I don't care what Santa says, these two boys are entirely too adorable to get coal in their stockings this year, even if they're on the Naughty List! Same goes for mom and dad, they were so nice and enjoyable to work with. Small details are what can make or break a photo, and many photographers are trained to tune a fine eye on those small details, but I couldn't find a single thing out of place on any member of the family, so we kept on shooting and got some amazing shots. A stellar session for a stunning family, well done!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 11 Dec 2014 21:04:59 GMT
Three's Company

Three's a crowd? Not in this family! The nice thing about family sessions is that I get a tiny little glimpse into the lives of the people I'm photographing; their smiles and laughs, their interactions between one another, and glimmers of personalities that shine through. Photo sessions can be intimidating and even nerve-wracking, and I always want my clients to feel comfortable and relaxed, and try to present myself in a way that makes it easy for them to do this (which can include crazy animal noises for the younger kiddos--it doesn't work so much on the grown ups). This beautiful family has definitely mastered the art of enjoying each others' company, and did amazingly well with relaxing and having a good time while under the scrutiny of my lens. Awesome session, G family!  


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 10 Dec 2014 23:58:38 GMT
Family is Where the Heart Is

'They' say that beauty is only skin deep, but I can guarantee you that this family is beautiful, inside and out! What an amazing session, full of laughs, compliments, and warm feelings shared between the entire family. Everyone was lighthearted and relaxed, and willing to try some of my wild and crazy group poses (or as I like to call them, Twister poses). I even got some posing ideas from mom(I *love* client input, ideas, and feedback!) and dad(everyone loves candid shots of the boys having fun!). Well done, L family, it was a pleasure working with you all!



(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 08 Dec 2014 20:32:59 GMT
Deck The Paws

When this sweet couple asked if they could bring their beloved pup for their holiday session, it kind of felt like Christmas came early, because I'm a sucker for four paws and a wet nose! And not only was this four-legged beauty all dressed up when she arrived for her session, but she did super good, and was well compensated with doggie treats! (The proud pup parents didn't want any treats, but they were super awesome as well!) When Santa visits this beautiful duo on Christmas, I hope that he brings some bones and toys for their precious fur baby!


(AT Photography Studios) Sat, 06 Dec 2014 14:33:39 GMT
Family Fun For Christmas!

I've had the pleasure of working with this family on more than one occasion, and every time I work with them, I'm always amazed at how well these four boys behave, and at how well they tolerate getting their pictures taken. Since this session included some silly Santa hats, they were more than happy to give me their best smiles! Here's wishing this family very happy holiday, with plenty of toys from Santa under their tree!


(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 03 Dec 2014 23:43:22 GMT
Third Birthday Celebrations!

From a parent's point of view, ages 1 and 2 are the big birthdays, the giant hurrahs, the elaborate parties. So I'm tickled pink when families want to celebrate their child's 3rd birthday with some updated family photos, because I think it's a special age when toddlers prepare for their move into 'kid' category at age 4/5. Not quite a 'kid,' far from a baby, this age group is full of delight, from inquisitive nature to rambunctious innocent fun. And this beautiful family has years of fun ahead, with this handsome 3-year-old leading the way!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 03 Dec 2014 00:09:57 GMT
He's Making A List & Checking It Twice

Santa won't have to check his list for this little guy's name, he's been good all year long! This holiday photo session was a blast, and not just because everyone was in the Christmas spirit and even wore cute hats, but because this is the second time I worked with this family, and it was every bit enjoyable as their summer session. Even though December brings cold temperatures, this family has enough love to stay warm all winter long!



(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 01 Dec 2014 23:40:32 GMT
Let It Snow!

For some people, 'snow' is a four-letter word, but for this family, snow was nothing but fun and good times! I've been lucky enough to watch this little girl grow so big this year, and positively *love* when her parents come in for pictures, they're such a happy and loving trio(soon to be foursome)! Here's hoping that this beautiful family has some snow days in their future, with snowmen and hot chocolate afterward.


(AT Photography Studios) Tue, 25 Nov 2014 22:48:28 GMT
Santa Baby!

If the upcoming holiday season needed an adorable spokesperson, this precious baby girl would fit perfectly! I love photographing children in the 6-9 month age group, not just because they are positively beautiful at this age, but because they are not walking or crawling(very fast) and cannot escape my camera! I know this little girl will have much fun opening her presents on Christmas day, and I'm glad I could get some holiday photos for her family.


(AT Photography Studios) Sun, 23 Nov 2014 23:37:47 GMT
Graduation on the Horizon

Senior sessions are quite unique from any other type of photography session(family, baby, toddler, maternity, engagement), and in a good way. Working with 17/18 year-olds that actually *want* their picture taken and will sit/stand exactly how you tell them is an amazing change from the fast-paced family/toddler session where I'm scrambling to capture the moment before an energetic child runs from the scene. But I don't only love seniors for their ability to listen and pose; often times I get to learn a little about them, have good conversations and laughs, and walk away from the session having met a bright young person with their whole lives ahead of them. And I had the pleasure of working with this beautiful young lady on two occasions, and both times she was fun to work with and full of smiles and occasional laughs. (She even dealt with severe wind for her outdoor session, but patiently waited for it to settle for each shot!) Best wishes for a memorable senior year!



(AT Photography Studios) Mon, 17 Nov 2014 23:15:22 GMT
Coming this Christmas...A Baby Girl!

What better way to honor your family's newest addition than to wear pink to your maternity session! That's exactly what this family did, and big brother made sure to show his excitement for her late December arrival. It's hard to imagine preparing for the birth of a little one during all the other hustle and bustle Christmas, but this family is going to make it happen, and will be waiting for Baby L with open arms! Best of luck to mom during the last 7 weeks, and a safe and healthy delivery!


(AT Photography Studios) Thu, 13 Nov 2014 00:23:00 GMT
Roll Call: Party of Nine

I consider it a small miracle if I can get a family of 4(with children under the age of 6) all looking at the camera for their family picture. I needed about ten small miracles on this particular day; seven children with varying ages, and mom and dad made nine. But I couldn't have been more pleasantly surprised at how well the session went, all of the kids did *amazing*, mom and dad were exceptionally calm, and even though you can't tell from the pictures, it was ~very chilly~ on this particular morning, and everyone still managed to smile in between shivering and teeth chattering. This was truly an awesome bunch!


(AT Photography Studios) Sun, 09 Nov 2014 01:56:48 GMT
Autumn Family Fun

I'll admit that I do love photographing outdoors when autumn comes along and the colors of nature provide such vivid backgrounds. I'll also admit that I love photographing this family! Their youngest son was barely 4 months old the last time they had a session, and my, how he has changed! Both boys are pure energy, and mom and dad spent much of the shoot chasing after them while I happily clicked away. By the end of the session, I was ready for a nap (I don't know how these fun-loving parents keep up with these two boys on a full-time basis!!) I cannot wait to see this family again in the future!



(AT Photography Studios) Fri, 07 Nov 2014 00:09:10 GMT
Four Adorable Months and Counting

Aaaah, four months, an age where magical things start to happen in little humans. Smiles, laughs, lifting their heads up with ease. And this precious baby girl did all of the above during her session, and with unprecedented patience! Not only did she endure two backdrop changes, but she underwent three wardrobe changes, and that's a lot for tiny divas! A special thanks to mom and big brothers for helping coax smiles and giggles from this little princess, she absolutely stole the show!



(AT Photography Studios) Wed, 05 Nov 2014 23:47:26 GMT
Burlap, Lace, Sunflowers, and Love

As a photographer, I'm positive that any couple that agrees to have their engagement session at a local carnival is going to be lots of fun at their wedding, and these two didn't let me down. The weather was perfect for their outdoor ceremony, their reception hall was meticulously decorated with stunning detail (including s'mores bar), and the after-party was full of dancing and good-hearted fun. Their special day included close friends and loved ones, and I couldn't have been happier that they chose me to record the events one frame at a time. Hats off to Mr. & Mrs. H, and here's to a lifetime of shared memories and love!